
Thursday 9 December 2021

Making Honeycomb


I want to find out how to make honeycomb.

Hokey Pokey

Dalgona Candy Factory



  • 5 teaspoon/tsp of sugar
  • 2 teaspoon/tsp of syrup
  • Pinch / half a teaspoon of baking soda
  • Pot
  • Stove/Bunsen Burner
  • Spatula
  • Baking paper
  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Wash your hands.
  3. Add your sugar and golden syrup to your pot.
  4. Set up your Bunsen Burner.
  5. Use a blue flame.
  6. Melt then boil the sugar.
  7. Turn off the gas.
  8. Add the baking soda and mix.
  9. Tip out the honey comb/hokey pokey on to baking paper.
  10. Let it cool.
  11. Clean up your equipment.


Monday 6 December 2021


Hello everyone, from the last few weeks, we have been working on our monoprint for art.

We first started off gathering plants so that we can photocopy it. We needed to add background, middle ground and fore ground. We had 2 photocopies, one is for us to colour in and the other one of the monoprint.

I added Mount Fuji as my background to add a little bit of spice, Mt Fuji is a big mountain that is located on Japan, it's also very famous. After we've done colouring it in, we had to start on our monoprint.

For some people, monoprint is hard, but you'll get used to it if you are interested on art, here is my monoprint:

Doing monoprint is actually pretty challenging for me, because we were using ink, it's not gonna be easy to take it off. That's why I was careful when doing monoprint.

Thank you for reading this blog post, this is gonna be one of the last weeks of art. So I will eventually miss art.

Friday 3 December 2021

Making Ginger Beer

Aim: I want to find out how to (brew) make ginger beer.


How to Make Ginger Beer

EASIEST way to make alcohol QUICKLY!




  • Cup (disposable)
  • Pen / Sharpie
  • Powdered ginger
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Spoon
  • Lemon Juice


  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Put your name on a disposable cup.
  3. Put half a teaspoon / tsp of powdered ginger into the cup.
  4. Pour half a cup of water.
  5. Add 1 tablespoon / tbsp of sugar into the cup.
  6. Mix with a spoon.
  7. Add 5 drops of Lemon Juice.
  8. Taste it and adjust the flavor.
  9. Add 1 quarter of a teaspoon / tsp of yeast.
  10. Let it brew for 1 week
Ginger Beer homemade - how to make Ginger Beer at home in easy way - YouTube


What is Fermentation?
Yeast is a living thing and it eats the glucose/sugar and the yeast and breathes out or releases Carbon Dioxide /CO2 and it excrete alcohol, this process is called Respiration.

What are the best conditions for brewing?
Based on google, the best condition to brew your ginger beer is to keep it in warm temperature and keep mixing it.

What is the difference between beer,cider,vodka,whiskey?
There is a difference between these drinks, vodka has the highest alcohol level out of beer, cider and whiskey. 


When I first smelled it, it smelled so bad that the scent can't erase easily. Mr Stock tasted it, but based on his facial expression, it looked like that my ginger beer was bad.

Based on google, the reason why it smelled bad is because of the bacteria that has snuck on my ginger beer.

Thursday 2 December 2021

pH Colours


I want to find out what the colours of pH are.



  • Acid - Hydrochloric Acid
  • Base - Sodium Hydroxide
  • Test Tube Rack with test tubes
  • Universal Indicator
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Put 10 drops of Universal Indicator into the test tube.
  3. Add different amounts of acid and base into the test tube.
  4. Watch what happens to the colour.
Made a rainbow of all the pH colours in science! : r/oddlysatisfying
(This picture is not mine, because I didn't email the pictures I took to myself.)

What are the pH colours?
There are many different types of pH ranges, the colour red has the highest acid, and indigo and violet has the strongest alkali.

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Healthy Meal

 Hello everyone, 

For this week, we are working on healthy meals for health. Our task is to add foods on the slide with the description and the ingredients, Cate and I worked together on the slide. We haven't finished it so we are just going to post the ones that are done.

Eating everyday is good for your health, even if you are trying to lose weight, you need to eat food because it gives you energy. Protein, carbs, grains, dairy, fat and vegetables & fruits are important.

Thank you for reading this post.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Maori Myths and Legends

Hello everyone,

Lask week for hurumanu 1, we discussed about Maori Myths and Legends. We already started on the activities.

The activities are about Maui and the Sun, our task is to complete the activities that they have for us. One of my favourite activities was probably making the advertisement if Maui was unavailable at that moment.

Here is my work:

The poster of Capturing Tamanuitera is not real, please don't dial the number!

Thank you for reading, I hope you have learnt something new about Maui.

Friday 5 November 2021

Making Sherbet


I want to find out how to make a good sherbet




  • Citric Acid
  • Raro (Any flavour)
  • Baking Soda
  • A cup
  • A stick
  • A piece of paper


  1. Get all of your equipment ready.
  2. Pour some of the dry ingredients on the paper, make sure it's all separated.
  3. Scoop a little bit of baking soda using your stick and put it in your cup.
  4. Scoop a little bit of Citric acid and add it to the cup.
  5. Scoop a little bit of Raro and add it to the cup, for some flavour. 
  6. Blend the dry ingredients on the cup.
  7. Wet your stick and dip it on the sherbet, if you feel like it doesn't have that much foam, add more baking soda, but if it doesn't have that much flavour, add raro. If its not sour enough, add more citric acid.


Honestly, it tasted good for me. It's because I like sour foods and I liked the sherbet I made. Once it touched my tongue, it started fizzing.


Why is Citric acid really sour?

Originally, Citric acid is made out of derived lemon juice, lemon juice is also sour. 

Why did it foam?

Once sherbet touches water, it starts foaming and fizzing. The reason why it foams is because, Citric acid is a sort of acid that is made out of lemon. Once you mix citric acid and baking soda and pour water on it, some atoms combine into carbon dioxide.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Henri Rousseau

 Hello everyone,

Yesterday we we're tasked to label one of Henri Rousseau's art work. We have to label the background, middle ground, and fore ground. Actually, it was really easy to do. Since we just had cut it out.


Middle ground:
Fore ground:

Here is my work:

Thank you for reading this post.

Thursday 28 October 2021

P.E Gymnastics

Hello everyone,

Last week on PE we have been learning about gymnastics. Our task was to blog about the Takaporepore that we have on PE. It's basically a checklist on what we have done on gymnastics. I don't know that much things on gymnastics. 

I didn't do that much gymnastics last week because I weren't there on Wednesday, which we have P.E on period 5. Instead, I have ESOL.

Gymnastics is fun for me, because I can see people doing some amazing flips and balance, the best part was probably the parallel bars, I was still having some troubles.

Here is a link for my Takaporepore
The ones highlighted on red means that I am still learning on it, the yellow highlighted ones are the ones I can do. If they are already ticked, it means that I have tried it and did it successfully.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned on what we have been doing on P.E.

Thursday 21 October 2021

Hot Chilli

Aim :

I want to find out the best way to cool down your tongue after eating hot chilli.



  • Hot Chilli Sauce
  • Popsicle Stick
  • Drinks - Soda, Water, Milk
  • Timer
  1. Get your equipment ready.
  2. Get a drop of hot sauce on your Popsicle stick.
  3. Lick the Hot Chilli sauce
  4. Start the timer
  5. After 2mins
  6. After 5mins, how hot is your mouth?
  7. Repeat the experiment but with a different drink.

The first chilli I did was without water and I am scoring it a 7 for burning, although it was the first taste. It was still spicy.

The second chilli I did was with water and I am scoring it a 9 for burning, it was burning so bad.

The third one was hot but I rate it a 5 we also drink coke which lessen the burn.

The forth one was less spicy, because I got used to it. The second one was more spicy I guess. At first the spiciness was about a 8. But as soon I drink the milk, it was less spicy. I rate it as 2.


Why does chilli burn your mouth?
Hot chilli contains capsaicin, capsaicin is a chemical compound. As soon as your tongue touches the hot chilli. Your brain reacts to it. The best one to drink is probably milk, it can help down break down the capsaicin, because it contains casein. Casein is the main protein in milk.

Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff (Pg 17-22)

 Hello everyone,

For this week, we worked on 'Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff. It's an article that talks about NZ flora and fauna. We are currently looking on Flora and Fauna. 

I created a canva slideshow because I have more options to customize my own work. I add informations about Kiwi, Haast Eagle, Moa and Gondwanaland. Haast eagle and Moa are already extinct .

Here is the Link for my presentation.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something.

Monday 18 October 2021

Henri Rousseas

 Hello everyone,

Today is the first day of arts on term 4. It's also the last term of this year. We learned about Henri Rousseas, Henry is a French painter. We watched a video on Youtube sharing some information about Henri, our task for today is to make a google doc and list facts that we discovered on the video. I made it simple so that people can properly read it.

Here are some paintings that Henri Rousseas painted.

Tiger in a Tropical Storm (1891)


I listed 7 facts about Henri, here is my work:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something about Henri Rousseas.

Friday 1 October 2021

Uncle Don (Page 12 - 16)

 Hello everyone.

From the past few weeks, we've been reading an article called 'Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff'. It's a great article that give lot's of information relating to Flora and Fauna. 

We are reading Page 12-16, our task is to create a D.L.O about the information that they gave on that page. They mentioned about eels. I created a google slide, here is the link.

Thank you for reading this post.

Friday 24 September 2021

Pingao & Sand Dunes

 Hello everyone, on hurumanu 3, we have been reading an article that talks about interesting things.

Our tasks is to create a D.L.O about the article, the article is called 'Uncle Don Knows Heaps of Wacky Stuff'.

I used canva to create a poster about pingao and sand dunes, I made it look interesting because it's a way to make the reader interested on your work.

Here is my poster that I created:

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Flora and Fauna

Hello everyone, on hurumanu 1, we are learning about flora and fauna. Flora is basically the native flowers of New Zealand, and fauna is about the native animals. 

Our task was to read an article that is somewhat related to flora and fauna. It also gives some interesting facts. We had to make a D.L.O about the facts that were written on the article. The site that I used to create my D.L.O is Prezi.

Here is the link for my D.L.O.

Thank you for reading this post about flora and fauna. Bye.

Monday 23 August 2021

Tourist Attraction

 Hello everyone, in wananga time. We have been working on our tourist attraction work.

Our task is to pick at least 5 famous cities or towns in New Zealand. I chose Queenstown, Dunedin, Auckland, Wellington and Wanaka. We also have to research why that place is famous in New Zealand, and add it to the presentation that we are working on. I chose google slideshow to present my work.

Here is my work:

Thank you for reading my post, have a great day, bye!

Monday 9 August 2021

Writing & Grammar

 Hello everyone, today for hurumanu 1 we learned about verbs & adverbs.

Verbs is a doing thing, like running or talking. Adverbs are words that describes a verb, for example: I ran quickly to school.

I used google doc to write my work on, here is my work:

Thank you for reading my post, bye.

Monday 2 August 2021

Places In New Zealand

Hello everyone.

In wananga we are learning about places in New Zealand. We basically have to label the boxes and write a fact about that place. 

Here is a picture of my work:

Tasman Sea - Tasman Sea is named after Abel Tasman.
North Island - North Island has the country's largest city, which is Auckland.
Auckland - Auckland is a big in North Island.
Christchurch - The population of Christchurch is 383,200 for this year.
Wellington - Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.
Pacific Ocean - Ferdinand Magellan is the one who named the Pacific Ocean.
South Island - South Island is known for it's golden beaches.
South Pacific Ocean - South Pacific Ocean covers 30% of the earth's surface, it's also the deepest ocean.

The teacher printed the paper for us to work on, which is more easier to do in my opinion.
Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something about New Zealand, bye!

Wednesday 28 July 2021

P.E Reflection

Minasan, kon'nichiwa (Hello everyone).

In P.E we have been doing, football, hockey, volleyball and fitness. We haven't done netball yet. The sports sport that I really enjoyed was volleyball.

I enjoyed volleyball because it's my favourite sport and I get to play it with my friends during class. Playing volleyball was fun for me, we also learned lots of new technique that some I didn't know. Even tho my hand hurts it was still fun.

The second sport that I enjoyed was hockey, because hockey is also one of my favourite sport. I play hockey for Friday sports, so I'm very familiar with it. It was fun to play with my classmates, some of the were good.

I also enjoyed football, but, I didn't know anything about it. It was fun to play with my classmates.

Sayonara (Good-bye).


Hello everyone, today in wananga, we are working on resilience board. These are the choices:

I chose the cyberbullying definition, I created a slideshow with information about cyberbullying. Here is the slideshow:

Thank you for reading my work, bye.

Friday 25 June 2021

Skittles Colours

Minasan, kon'nichiwa (Hello everyone). 


I want to find out what happens when you put Skittles in water.



  • 8x skittles
  • Warm water
  • Petri dish
  • Beaker
  • Paper towel


  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Put the skittles into the Petri dish.
  3. Spread them out around the sides.
  4. Clean the beaker.
  5. GENTLY pour the water in the middle of the petri dish so that it is half full.
  6. Observe what happens.


Describe what happened?
When I poured the water on the Petri dish, the colours of the skittles dissolved in the warm water. I ordered the skittles into the rainbow colours so that it looked good, the colours spread out in the middle of the warm water, and formed some sort of pie chart.

Sayonara (Good-bye).

Monday 21 June 2021

Edible Slime

Hello everyone, in Science we learned how to make edible slime.


I want to find out how to make edible slime without getting poison.



  • 6/7 Marshmallow

  • 2 teaspoon of olive oil

  • 2 teaspoon sugar icing

  • 1 cup cornstarch

  • 1 bowl

  • 1 teaspoon / 1 Spoon

  • 1 Cup


  1. Get all of the equipment ready.

  2. Open the marshmallow packet.

  3. Put 6/7 of marshmallows inside the bowl 

  4. Put the bowl inside the microwave for 40 seconds.

  5. Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil inside the bowl to make the slime fluffy. (Makes the slime less sticky).

  6. Start mixing them with a spoon.

  7. Add a 1 cup of cornstarch.

  8. Start mixing them with a spoon.

  9. Add 2 teaspoons of sugar icing to make the marshmallow slime sweeter.


When we created the slime, the slime was very sticky. We tried to add more sugar icing so that it would be less sticky, but it didn't work. Here is a picture of the slime:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something new. Bye!

Thursday 17 June 2021

Gummy Bear Osmosis

Hello everyone, in science, we are working on a gummy bear osmosis.


I want to find out what happens when gummy bears are put in liquids.



  • Sodium Chloride / Salt Water
  • Safety Glasses
  • Normal Water
  • Sucrose / Sugar Water
  • Gummy Bears
  • 2 Petri Dishes
  • Marker Pen
  • Electronic Scales
  1. Get your equipment
  2. Wear safety glasses
  3. Using the market pen, write your name and the conditions (dry, water, saltwater, sugar water) and the weight of gummy bear
  4. Do the experiment.

Dry GummySugar GummyWater GummySalty Gummy
Initial Weight: (g)2.45g2.21g2.23g2.22g
Final Weight: (g)2.43g5.23g7.45g4.07g
Difference.2g -gain 3.02gain 5.22ggain 1.85g

The water gummy is the heaviest gummy, the reason why it became heavy its because the gummy absorbs the water. Gummy bears are dry when they are made, so when you put it to H2O, its most likely to loose it's colour and flavour.
The dry gummy didn't gain weight, but it lost weight because we let it out all night. So probably, it became cold.
The sugar gummy gained weight because gummy bears are created to be sweet, when a gummy bear and sucrose get mixed together.


Thank you for reading this post, bye!

How To Be Normal

Minasan, kon'nichiwa (Hello everyone). 

Hurumanu 1 is Outstander. We were put into groups that matches our level. Our task was to read the article that the teacher assigned us to do. The name of the article is 'How To Be Normal'.

How to be Normal

Did I understand?

1) Who did Charley bang into?

Charley accidentally banged into Michaela when she was walking to her desk.

2) ‘Charley’s at…..more relaxed.” What's the main message/purpose of this paragraph? How does the author create this mood? What does it teach us about Charley?

The paragraph shows that she prefers to go to the library because it is peaceful and quiet there.

3) What impression does the author want to give you of Charley? How do you know?

After reading this article, I realised that Charley is an introvert. She is lonely, no one really hangs out with


4) Why is Charley angry with Amy? Do you think that she is right to be angry? Why/why not?

In my opinion, Charley didn’t have the right to be angry with Amy, Amy was just trying to stick up for

Charley. But Charley didn’t want Amy to stick up for her.

5) Find a range of words and phrases to show how Charley is feeling throughout the story.

  • Friendless - Someone who has no friend.

  • Isolated - Far away from other people.

  • Downcast - A person who always looks down to the ground.

Exploring Language!

What do these words mean? Find a definition for each one and use it in a sentence.

  • Screeches - Screeches is a type of high pitched screaming noise.

  • Apologise - Apologise means saying sorry for what they have done wrong.

  • Intently - Someone who is eager for attention.

Write 3 sentences about the story using ‘they’re’, ‘there’ and ‘their’.

There was a girl that was eager to be normal. She wasn't like other girls, instead she was an introvert.

Her name was Charley, she didn't have any friends, she was lonely in fact. No one stood up for her.

When Charley was walking to her class, some people were throwing their paper around the class.

Suddenly, she accidentally hit someone’s desk. The desk that she accidentally hit was Michaela’s,

Michaela’s friends were also there. They're the people who pick on Charley. Her feet got rammed.

All In Order!

Select at least 10 of your adjectives and put them in alphabetical order.











Why do you think we gave you this article to read as part of our Outstanders hurumanu? Write a

paragraph explaining your ideas and giving evidence from the story.

This hurumanu is called outstander, so it might relate to being an outstander or a bystander. The story talks about a girl who is an introvert, she was getting bullied, so she wanted to be normal. 

Sayonara (Good-bye).

Tuesday 15 June 2021

Earth Day 2021: Restore Our Earth Activities

 Hello everyone. In wanangna, we are looking on global warming. If you didn't know, global warming is changing our earth. Some lakes are polluted, animals are going instinct.

Our task was to read a text that explains about global warming, it involves information about deforestation, plastic pollution.

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Samoan Language Week

 Hello everyone, last week was Samoan language week.

Our task is to create a D.L.O about Samoa, I created a google slide because it's easy to use. We have to include information about Samoa, like the numbers and traditions. Some people decided to make a poster and some created a google slide like me.

Here is my work:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something new about Samoa. Bye.

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Resilience Board

Hello everyone, today in wananga we were free to do anything. We had choices, we can either work on the Samoan Week slideshow or Resilience board. I did Resilience board.

We basically have to choose an activity to do in the Resilience board. I chose write a gratitude journal. Here is my work:

Thank you for reading this post, bye!

Lighting a Bunsen Burner

 Hello everyone, today in Science we learned how to light a Bunsen burner.


I want to find out how to safely light a Bunsen burner.



  • Bunsen burner
  • Heat mat
  • Matches/lighter
  • Safety glasses
  • Gas
Bunsen burner lab equipment diagram, vector illustration example Stock  Vector Image & Art - Alamy
  1. Get all of your equipment.
  2. Wear your safety glasses.
  3. Connect the hose to the gas tap.
  4. Turn the collar to close the air hole.
  5. Light the matches or the lighter and hold it over the barrel.
  6. Turn the gas on.
  7. Turn the collar to open the air hole
  8. When finished, turn of the gas
How to Light A Bunsen Burner

Thank you for reading this post, bye!

Thursday 27 May 2021

Kate Sheppard Reading Activities

 Hello everyone, in hurumanu 1 which is outstanding. We are currently learning about Kate Sheppard.

Kate Sheppard is the women who is in the $10 note, here is a picture of the $10 note:

 New Zealand ten-dollar banknote, Series 7.jpg

Kate Sheppard is in the $10 note because of her brave actions, New Zealand was the first country to let women's vote. Women's are allowed to vote now days because of Kate Sheppard.

Kate Sheppard wasn't born in New Zealand, she was born in Liverpool (England).

One of the activities for the Kate Sheppard work was to design an advertisement to encourage people to sign the Kate Sheppard petition. I created a poster, here is my work:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learn't something about Kate Sheppard

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Hands On Fire

Hello everyone, last week in science. We were working on how to set our hands in fire safely, but before we can set our hands in fire. We have to create a safety poster, I created a slideshow because it's allowed.  

Aim: I want to find out how to light my hands on fire safely.



  • Lighter
  • Water
  • Gas
  • Tray
  • Hose
  • Liquid Soap
  • Safety Glasses
  1. Get the equipment ready
  2. Fill the tray with water.
  3. Squirt the liquid soap into the water and mix it around.
  4. Connect the hose to the gas tap.
  5. Turn the gas on and make gas bubbles.
  6. Wear safety glasses.
  7. Wet your arms and hands with water.
  8. Scoop the bubbles with two hands.
  9. Take two steps forward.
  10. Hold the bubbles as far away from your face as you can

   11. Light the bubbles on fire.
   12.Don't panic and slowly open your hands.

Videos - Link

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Safety In The Laboratory

Hello everyone, at Science class, we are working on safety posters. We are supposed to make a safety poster in the laboratory, like for example: No running inside the laboratory, because you might break something expensive.

I used google slide to create my presentation, some people did posters and some people did videos. 

Here is my work:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you liked my slideshow. Bye!

Monday 19 April 2021

Autumn Learning Journey (Activity 2)

 Hello everyone, this post is about my experience on trying out Semi-Conductor. Semi-Conductor is a site where you can be the conductor of a orchestra. 

It was hard to use that site because it's in online, and I don't really know what to do because I haven't learned anything of being a conductor. So I'm a little bit confuse, but I liked the song that they were playing. I learned that if you sway your hands faster, the music will go faster.

What is a conductor?

Orchestra Conductor: What Does An Orchestra Conductor Actually Do?

A conductor is a person that leads an orchestra, they are the person who controls the flow of the music in an orchestra. The people who play the instruments, have to follow what the conductor do. Like for example, the conductor sways their hands faster. Meaning that they have to play the instruments a little bit fast.

If you want to experience of being a conductor, here is the link for Semi-Conductor.

Would you like to be a conductor? And why do you want to be a conductor?

Thank you for reading this post, bye!

Autumn Learning Journey (Activity 1)

 Hello everyone, I planned to join autumn learning journey because I don't have that much to do at home.

What is the difference between rock music vs classical music?

There is a big difference between the rock music a classical music, rock music needs to use lots of instruments, like for example. Electric guitar and bass guitar. A classical music has a harmony, most classical music are instrumental and rock music usually has lyrics. Classical music usually uses soft instruments, and rock music uses heavy instruments. 

Different Types Of Classical Music Instruments Illustration Royalty Free  Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 70414348.

Rock Music Instruments Icons Set, Vector Illustration Royalty Free  Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 33729380.

What do I prefer?

I prefer classical music because it's relaxing to listen to. If I have nothing to do, I usually sit down and listen to music. 

What do you prefer? Classical music or rock music?

Thank you for reading this post. Bye!

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Famous Musicians

 Hello everyone, in this post, I'll be showing you my work in hurumanu 2. Hurumanu 2 is music class, and we're learning about famous musicians. Our task is to choose a musician or a singer and make a blog about them. I chose Yiruma because he is one of my favourite pianist. He has a great skills in piano. Yiruma is the one who published river flows in you. Yiruma became famous in 2002.

Here is my work about Yiruma:

Yiruma is a famous pianist in South Korea, he published River Flows in You and Kiss the Rain. His stage name is Yiruma but his real name is Lee Ru-ma. Yiruma means “I shall achieve” in Korean.

Yiruma’s most popular song is river flows in you, it was published in 2001. Yiruma’s music genre is mostly classical Yiruma has lots of albums like for example, First Love.

River flows in you has a meaning, the song begins slow and the music becomes stronger as the song progresses. It represents love and what loving someone actually means.

Yiruma was born on February 15 in 1978 which means he is 43 years old. Yiruma was born in Seoul (Capital city of South Korea). Yiruma has a wife called Son Hye-Im. He started learning piano at the age of 5. In 1988, Yiruma moved to England and graduated from Purcell School of Music, a school for young musicians. Then he went to King’s College London and continued being a pianist. In 2011, he held 13 concerts in different cities in Korea.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something about Yiruma. Bye!