
Thursday 17 June 2021

How To Be Normal

Minasan, kon'nichiwa (Hello everyone). 

Hurumanu 1 is Outstander. We were put into groups that matches our level. Our task was to read the article that the teacher assigned us to do. The name of the article is 'How To Be Normal'.

How to be Normal

Did I understand?

1) Who did Charley bang into?

Charley accidentally banged into Michaela when she was walking to her desk.

2) ‘Charley’s at…..more relaxed.” What's the main message/purpose of this paragraph? How does the author create this mood? What does it teach us about Charley?

The paragraph shows that she prefers to go to the library because it is peaceful and quiet there.

3) What impression does the author want to give you of Charley? How do you know?

After reading this article, I realised that Charley is an introvert. She is lonely, no one really hangs out with


4) Why is Charley angry with Amy? Do you think that she is right to be angry? Why/why not?

In my opinion, Charley didn’t have the right to be angry with Amy, Amy was just trying to stick up for

Charley. But Charley didn’t want Amy to stick up for her.

5) Find a range of words and phrases to show how Charley is feeling throughout the story.

  • Friendless - Someone who has no friend.

  • Isolated - Far away from other people.

  • Downcast - A person who always looks down to the ground.

Exploring Language!

What do these words mean? Find a definition for each one and use it in a sentence.

  • Screeches - Screeches is a type of high pitched screaming noise.

  • Apologise - Apologise means saying sorry for what they have done wrong.

  • Intently - Someone who is eager for attention.

Write 3 sentences about the story using ‘they’re’, ‘there’ and ‘their’.

There was a girl that was eager to be normal. She wasn't like other girls, instead she was an introvert.

Her name was Charley, she didn't have any friends, she was lonely in fact. No one stood up for her.

When Charley was walking to her class, some people were throwing their paper around the class.

Suddenly, she accidentally hit someone’s desk. The desk that she accidentally hit was Michaela’s,

Michaela’s friends were also there. They're the people who pick on Charley. Her feet got rammed.

All In Order!

Select at least 10 of your adjectives and put them in alphabetical order.











Why do you think we gave you this article to read as part of our Outstanders hurumanu? Write a

paragraph explaining your ideas and giving evidence from the story.

This hurumanu is called outstander, so it might relate to being an outstander or a bystander. The story talks about a girl who is an introvert, she was getting bullied, so she wanted to be normal. 

Sayonara (Good-bye).

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