
Friday 3 December 2021

Making Ginger Beer

Aim: I want to find out how to (brew) make ginger beer.


How to Make Ginger Beer

EASIEST way to make alcohol QUICKLY!




  • Cup (disposable)
  • Pen / Sharpie
  • Powdered ginger
  • Sugar
  • Water
  • Spoon
  • Lemon Juice


  1. Get your equipment.
  2. Put your name on a disposable cup.
  3. Put half a teaspoon / tsp of powdered ginger into the cup.
  4. Pour half a cup of water.
  5. Add 1 tablespoon / tbsp of sugar into the cup.
  6. Mix with a spoon.
  7. Add 5 drops of Lemon Juice.
  8. Taste it and adjust the flavor.
  9. Add 1 quarter of a teaspoon / tsp of yeast.
  10. Let it brew for 1 week
Ginger Beer homemade - how to make Ginger Beer at home in easy way - YouTube


What is Fermentation?
Yeast is a living thing and it eats the glucose/sugar and the yeast and breathes out or releases Carbon Dioxide /CO2 and it excrete alcohol, this process is called Respiration.

What are the best conditions for brewing?
Based on google, the best condition to brew your ginger beer is to keep it in warm temperature and keep mixing it.

What is the difference between beer,cider,vodka,whiskey?
There is a difference between these drinks, vodka has the highest alcohol level out of beer, cider and whiskey. 


When I first smelled it, it smelled so bad that the scent can't erase easily. Mr Stock tasted it, but based on his facial expression, it looked like that my ginger beer was bad.

Based on google, the reason why it smelled bad is because of the bacteria that has snuck on my ginger beer.

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