
Wednesday 28 July 2021

P.E Reflection

Minasan, kon'nichiwa (Hello everyone).

In P.E we have been doing, football, hockey, volleyball and fitness. We haven't done netball yet. The sports sport that I really enjoyed was volleyball.

I enjoyed volleyball because it's my favourite sport and I get to play it with my friends during class. Playing volleyball was fun for me, we also learned lots of new technique that some I didn't know. Even tho my hand hurts it was still fun.

The second sport that I enjoyed was hockey, because hockey is also one of my favourite sport. I play hockey for Friday sports, so I'm very familiar with it. It was fun to play with my classmates, some of the were good.

I also enjoyed football, but, I didn't know anything about it. It was fun to play with my classmates.

Sayonara (Good-bye).

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