
Tuesday 24 November 2020

Navigation In Earth

 Hello everyone, this post is about navigation in earth. Navigation in earth is part of our tasks in hurumanu 3, which is Science and writing. 

Navigation In Earth

What is a magnet?

Magnet is an iron metal that attracts other metal, if the iron spins all the same way. It creates a magnetic field, and it attracts other metal.

Draw a magnetic field around a bar magnet:

Remember which way magnetic field lines on a magnet travel

How does compass find North?

There is liquid metal spinning inside the earth, which creates a magnetic field. The compass lines up to the magnetic field and it will point in the north direction.

How can you make a compass?

In our class we did an experiment of making our own compass, we need water, a needle, plastic bow, paper and a magnet. We rub the magnet on the needle for 5 minutes, and we pour the water in the plastic small bowl. After 5 minutes we get a small piece of paper and put the needle on top of it and we have to put it in the water, and try not to sink it or else it will fail.

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