
Wednesday 25 November 2020

Typhoon Vamco

 Hello everyone, this post is about Typhoon Vamco. Typhoon Vamco is a typhoon that went across Philippines to Vietnam.

In hurumanu 1, which is social science and reading. We have to finish the Christchurch Earthquake task, which I have already finished. If we have already finished the Christchurch Earthquake task, we have to make a D.L.O about a disaster that happened anywhere in the world. The disaster that I chose to make a D.L.O about is Typhoon Vamco as you can see in the title.

Basically, Typhoon Vamco is a very dangerous typhoon that struck Philippines and Vietnam. Everyone who lives in Philippines and Vietnam have to immediately evacuate. There was many deaths and injured and some people were missing. The typhoon started at the Northwest of Palau, and went came across Philippines and landed in Vietnam. Both countries were damaged, Luzon was the most damaged place in Philippines.

Even if the flood was weakened, there's still a chance that it might reach other islands.

For my D.L.O, I created a slideshow. Here is a link for the slideshow that I created about Typhoon Vamco: Link

Question: If you have a chance of helping people that was affected in the Typhoon, what would you do?

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learn't something about Typhoon Vamco. Bye!

Christchurch Earthquake 2011

 Hello everyone, in hurumanu 1 (Social Science & Reading) we started to learn about the earthquake that happened in Christchurch at 2011. A big earthquake hit Christchurch, which leads lost of buildings being damaged.

We have to research about the Christchurch Earthquake with the sites that they found, after we have information. We have to write it in a document that they instructed us to make a copy and answer the questions in the table. 

Here is my work

How have the Christchurch earthquakes had an impact on our city? 

The Christchurch earthquake affected our city because of the damaged buildings, and the damaged furniture. The government loses money, because they also have to support the people who have lost their home or it has been damaged.

It also affects many people, because most of their stuff and houses are all ruined. It was big chaos when the earthquake hit Christchurch. If they don’t have anywhere to live, I guess they have to rely on the government or the prime minister.

What positives or negatives have come from the quakes? 


Some people have lost their homes, they have to rely on the government. Some buildings have collapsed, and it might be one of their shops that they were working hard to make build. 

The house that collapsed might be their grandmothers house, and it’s all ruined. That house might be the only thing that her/his grandmother have left to them.

About 185 people were dead, which is honestly a lot. There are about a thousand people who are injured. Some people might be working in a tall building, and they might be on the top floor. The building might be collapsing and they have to evacuate fast, and I think a lot of people might get injured or they might have died.

The Christchurch Earthquake was so deadly that it was also one of New Zealand’s darkest days.


The positive thing is that some people survived or escaped from the earthquake, but some are injured but at least they are still alive. Some people are working together to change New Zealand.

People are now training for the upcoming earthquake, most of the schools are now doing an earthquake practice drill. 

What are some changes that citizens have made to prevent damage happening from potential future earthquakes?

Some people are planning to make New Zealand a sustainable place like for example, some people are starting to create an eco friendly cafe. That would help the earth.

I think people have been making changes by building a strong building. I don’t think that people can prevent the earthquake from coming, because it’s the earth. 

What have you learned from the work you have done? 

Earthquakes are very dangerous, people can die or get injured. Some lucky people manage to escape in a collapsing building, some people tragically die. People are trying to make new changes to New Zealand, like an eco-friendly place.

Thank you for reading this post about Christchurch Earthquake, bye.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Margaret Mahy

 Hello everyone, in Wanagna we had a new task to do. It's a EOTC Week task board, if you haven't heard. Our EOTC starts next week. We will be going in 3 places, which is Jelly Park, Margaret Mahy and Christchurch City Centre. So we had to choose a task board and make a D.L.O about it, and after we have finished it we have to blog it so that people can see our work. 

The task board that I chose is about Margaret Mahy, they prepared a task for us to do and make a D.L.O about it. I made a slideshow about Margaret Mahy. Margaret Mahy is a very famous New Zealander author, she has made lots of awesome children books and also young adult.

Here is a screenshot of one of the slides I worked on: Link

Question: Have you ever read one of Margaret Mahy's book? Which book?

Thank you for reading this post about Margaret Mahy, bye.

Protest / Mr John Minto

In hurumanu 1, we worked on protests that happened in New Zealand. Protest is someone who says a statement about their objections, one of the biggest protest that happened was the Parihaka and also the Women's Suffrage. We had to read an article about all of the main protests that happened in NZ, here is the link to that article if you want to read what it says there. In the article, it shows many different protest that happened the Great Strike was also involved in there. 

Here is the slide show that I worked on about the protest:

Mr John Minto:
John Minto had an important role in the Springbok Tour Protest. South African's didn't let South Africans join the All Blacks team, and the All Blacks didn't let black Maori join the South African's team.

Mr John Minto protested with other 300 people, he was wearing a blue helmet. While in the protest, angry rugby supporters started attack John Minto, which is was bad. He's helmet was damaged, because some people was hitting him.

Which protest is are you interested in?

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Japan Slideshow

Hello everyone,

In Homeroom (HR for short), we studied about Japan. So we have to study about Japan and make a D.L.O about it. I already know a little bit of things about Japan I guess. We can research about the Japan's history, tradition or something popular in Japan. 

I used slideshow to make a D.L.O about Japan, I researched about the capital city of Japan (which is Tokyo) and some more popular things in Japan.

Here is the D.L.O I made about Japan:

Japan Slideshow

What I think of Japan:

I think Japan is a very unique country, because there are many crazy inventions that they made. It's shocking that there is about 300 kit-kat flavours in Japan. 

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learn't something new about Japan.


Navigation In Earth

 Hello everyone, this post is about navigation in earth. Navigation in earth is part of our tasks in hurumanu 3, which is Science and writing. 

Navigation In Earth

What is a magnet?

Magnet is an iron metal that attracts other metal, if the iron spins all the same way. It creates a magnetic field, and it attracts other metal.

Draw a magnetic field around a bar magnet:

Remember which way magnetic field lines on a magnet travel

How does compass find North?

There is liquid metal spinning inside the earth, which creates a magnetic field. The compass lines up to the magnetic field and it will point in the north direction.

How can you make a compass?

In our class we did an experiment of making our own compass, we need water, a needle, plastic bow, paper and a magnet. We rub the magnet on the needle for 5 minutes, and we pour the water in the plastic small bowl. After 5 minutes we get a small piece of paper and put the needle on top of it and we have to put it in the water, and try not to sink it or else it will fail.

Monday 23 November 2020

Spheros on Mars

Hello everyone, this blog post is about Mars. We have another task to do, and the task that we have to do was make a D.L.O about the questions that they prepared for us to answer. The questions are Mars related, and we mostly focused about robots that. The type of D.L.O that I made was a google slide. 

Here is the D.L.O that I created:


Are you interested in Mars Rovers?

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learn't something new.


Wednesday 11 November 2020

Mexican Mince/Nachos

Hello everyone, this post is about  were what we did in cooking class. It's also called as Cooking Technology. In cooking class, we made nachos which is also called as Mexican Mince. I'd prefer to called it as Nachos. 

Here is a picture of nachos to show what it looked like:

Here is a screenshot of the nachos recipe:

My teammates were Jhrnylle and Truby, we we're only a group of 3. We managed to successfully make nachos. 
The nachos smelled like Mexican flavour, well it tasted okay. Making nachos was a little bit confusing, but it was great experience because I finally learned how to make nachos.

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Navigation In Space Results

 Hello everyone, this post is about the results of the bucket head challenge. This bucket head challenge is part of our learning, so we have to experience walking a straight line with a blind fold and a bucket on 


The time that I put a bucket on my head, I felt like I was lost because I couldn't see. I was nervous that something bad might happened to me, but luckily I picked the right person for me to stop me in any danger that is coming up. My partner was Cate. I walked as straight as I can. After for a while I finally reached the end, I took awhile trying to walk in a straight line. They said that I was walking in zigzags, so that means that my hypothesis was right. I knew that I was gonna walking a zigzag because I was unsure where I was going since I lost my senses. We walked back to the starting line and some people were walking in zigzags and in circle. 

Thank you for reading this post, bye. 

Monday 9 November 2020

Life On Mars Reading Activity

Hello everyone, this post is also about Mars related. Our task was to read a story of someone experiencing how to survive in Mars by going to a desert and doing some tests there, after we have read the story we have to answer 3 questions that they prepared for us to answer and share it to our blog. The answer for these questions can be found in the story, that's why we have to actually read it and understand it. 

In your own words, summarise what happens at the Mars Desert Research Centre.

So in the Mars Desert Research Centre, they had to study all about geology, biology and astronomy. 6 people stays at the station for 2 weeks. You might be wondering where they sleep? They actually sleep in some sort of building called 'hab', that is shaped like a cylinder. With bunk rooms and laboratories for them to study. Every time they had to go outside, they need to wear their spacesuits and helmets for their safety.

Why did Haritina find difficult about at the research centre? Why?

Haritina found it difficult because they have to do many tasks, like up to nine jobs.

Why do you think it is important for astronauts to practice in an environment like this before heading into Space?

It is important to practice before going to space because you might forget what your supposed to do. Like for example you accidentally forgot how to wear the spacesuit. Because it might be hard to wear it.

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Health Concerns

Hello everyone, this blog post is about health concerns. Our task was to create a D.L.O about health concerns, and the one that I chose is about depression.

The reason why I chose depression it's because, some people are actually suffering in depression. Because in New Zealand, there's about 9 percent of high school students that attempted suicide. Because they might have been bullied repeatedly. For some people, they might have just given up and became depressed.

Here is a link for the slideshow that I made about depression:

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Navigation In Space

 Hello everyone, this blog post is about navigation in space. We have a new challenge for us to do tomorrow in Science. The new challenge is called 'Bucket Head Challenge'. 

Aim: Can I navigate in a straight line without my senses.

We also need equipment, the equipment that we need is:
- Bucket
- Cotton wool
- Blindfold
- Safety partner (A safety partner that you can trust).

1- Put the cotton wool in your ears and nose.
2- Put on the blindfold.
3- Put a bucket our your head.
4- Get your safety person to spin you 3 times and line you u with the flag.
5- Begin to walk in a straight line.
6- Write down how you did, and how you felt.
We have to get all of those equipment ready, and put it on. Our goal was to try to walk in a straight line with the blindfold, cotton wool and the bucket.

1- What are your five senses?
The five senses are hear, see, touch, feel, smell. We use these senses to detect the environment.

2- How do people get lost in the jungle?
People might get lost in the jungle because it's either because they wanders too much, or it's because it might be their first time going to the jungle and they don't recognise the environment.

3- Do you have anything special about your legs?
I'm actually not sure if there is something special about my legs, but our Science teacher said that everyone's leg isn't even. One is longer than the other one.

I think that I will walk in a zigzag because I might be not sure where to go, like I might get lost.

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Navigation In Space - Science [Hurumanu 3]

Hello! In Science, we were tasked to answer the questions that they prepared for us and answer it on our blog or in a google doc. The questions are space related such as the solar system. Like for example, the Mars is part of our solar system

What is a Solar System?

Solar System - Wikipedia

Solar system involves the sun, stars and the planets. The planets are in a specific order. The order is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. We are the third planet in the solar system which is the earth. The solar system is full of asteroids, comets and meteoroids. There are also many milky ways and galaxies.

What is the Milky Way an example of?

Milky Way Galaxy: Facts About Our Galactic Home | Space

The milky way is an example of a galaxy, and our solar system is part of the milky way.

What is a star?

Study of distant galaxies challenges the understanding of how stars form

A star is a glowing ball of gas. It is made from mostly hydrogen and helium. Which are bound together by its own gravity. It is supported by Nuclear fusion reaction against gravity. Producing photons, heat and small particles of denser elements.

Describe a nebula

What Is a Nebula? | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids

Nebula is a big cloud of dust and gas, the cause of nebula is the dying star’s explosion. So when the star explodes, it creates a big cloud of dust and gas which is called ‘Nebula’.

How do stars die?

Astronomers spot last gasps of dying star -

Stars die because they run out of hydrogen, if they run out of hydrogen the star dies and explodes which creates nebulae.

Is there an up and down in space?

How Cold Is Outer Space?

There up and down in space. Down is a way of gravity pulling you down. Up is the opposite way.

How can stars be used to navigate?

How to navigate using the Stars - The Natural Navigator

They can use stars to navigate by finding the 3 separate stars. For example, one of the stars is called the Northern Star. It’s also known as the Polaris star.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learn't something new about navigation in space.


Monday 2 November 2020

Daylight Savings

 Hello everyone, this post is about daylight savings. Daylight savings basically happens every year in New Zealand and many other countries. Daylight savings in New Zealand is when the time is an hour earlier than the real time. Our tasks was to answer the questions that they prepared for us to answer and blog about. 

This is two of the questions I answered.

1. When does Daylight Savings happen each year in New Zealand?

Daylight savings in New Zealand happens each year at 2am on the last Sunday in September. Daylight savings ends on the first Sunday of April.

2. What year did it start in NZ?

Daylight saving first happened in New Zealand in 1927.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learn't something new about daylight savings. Bye.