
Friday 20 December 2019

Setting Sail Activity 1, Day 1, Week 1 (SLJ)

Kamusta readers,

Welcome back to my blog post. It has been a while since I last posted in my blog. Today i'm going to show you my SLJ work!

For this activity, make a list of ten food items that you could take with you. Please think carefully about what you will take as you won’t have access to a refrigerator or freezer while at sea. Please explain why you would select each item.
On your blog, post your list of 10 food items you would take on an ocean voyage and the reasons why you chose these items.

This is what I'm going to bring!

1- Sandwich
(So I have snack while travelling)

2- Rice 
(To have something warm to eat)

3- Chicken Adobo 
(Having something to eat with the rice)

4- Mango
(To keep healthy)

5- Apple
(To keep healthy)

6- Banana
(To keep healthy)

7- Warm noodles
(To keep me warm)

8- Sushi
(So that it would fit to y bag because its small and it would keep you healthy too)

9- Pizza
( So that I wont get bored in my foods, and I might miss my favourite foods! )

10- Homemade Burgers
( Good lunch, and it will also remind me about my parents because they made the burger and it would keep me away from having homesickness)

-If you ran out of foods what would you do? Here are two options that you will do. 1: Use the boat and go back home. 2: Carry on.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and I hope you've enjoyed it and also! Please give me some amazing feedback by you guys! Bye!

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Weekly Word - Emotion (Empty)

Hello readers,

Welcome back to my blog post! Today I'll be showing you my weekly word.

Miss Leonard picked an interesting word. The word is empty! Then we have to go to this site:, and we have to  search this word. The word is.. Empty!

Here is my poster:

Question: - What time did you ever felt empty?

Thank you for reading this blog post and I hope you give me some  amazing feedback, bye!

Monday 25 November 2019

My Writing Task!

Hello readers,

Welcome back to my blog, today I'm going to share you what we have been doing while writing time. This post was suppose to be posted last week.

WALT: - Use my six senses to describe characters, places, feeling ect.
- Build a strong picture in our readers head.
- Use strong ideas when writing.

We have to use the six senses to make a picture in the readers mind with our writing. The six senses are... Sight, sound, smell, taste, emotions and touch.

Miss Leonard started off a story and we have to finish it. We also have words that we need to include in our story. The words are... Chilling, forbidden, hesitant. unfocused and fascinating.

I haven't finished my story but here is my story:
I could hear the thunder, booming in the sky. Suddenly the lights went out and the room went pitch black. I didn’t know where to go. I could feel that something bad was going to happen. I was feeling hesitant.

After a while the lights suddenly came back on. The lights were so bright, as bright as the stars. I went to my bedroom and sat on the nice comfy chair. I was just chilling and doing my homework properly. I stopped working and went downstairs to get a nice hot chocolate. I went upstairs with my hot chocolate. The hot chocolate was so hot and I could feel it with my hands.

I got to my room and put the warm hot chocolate in a desk. The hot chocolate tasted so yummy.

I worked and worked and worked. I accidentally pushed my hot chocolate.

-Have you ever used the six senses?

Thank you for reading this blog post and please give me a feedback! I hope you have enjoyed my story bye!

Tuesday 19 November 2019

Weekly Word Emotions -Anxious-

Hello readers,

Welcome back to my blog post! Today I'm going to share you my weekly word.

Every week, our teacher gives us a new word that we need to understand the meaning and post it to our blog post. You can also learn new strong words. The word is..... "Anxious". Anxious means you worried or concerned.

Here is my work:

Have you ever felt anxious before?

I've felt anxious before, like traveling because I sometimes think something bad is gonna happen. Thank you for reading this post, please give me some feedback about this post!


Wednesday 13 November 2019

Weekly Word (Unfocused)

Hello readers and viewers,

Welcome back to my blog post! Today I'm going to share you another weekly word!

The word is... Unfocused! Unfocused means.. your not concentrating to what your suppose to do.

Example: I was baking a cake, suddenly I was distracted by a group of birds fly. My cake got burnt.

Here is my work!

Questions: Have you ever been unfocused because of something that distracted you?

Thank you for reading this blog post, please comment in my blog post!

Bye bye!

Friday 8 November 2019

School Pool Is Back!

Hello readers,

Welcome back to my blog post. Guess what?...... SCHOOL POOL IS BACK!! Because it's summer and it's very very hot, and we can learn swimming tricks again.

Mrs Day has been painting the wall with the other kids. They were painting the wall with color white.

On Wednesday, we went to our school pool to swim. We swim for 4 laps on the pool. After that... We had free time! Me and my friends did handstand competition, Celine won. I'm not really good at doing handstand on water. But I'm getting better on it. 

Today in the morning, we have swimming. I did some practiced my handstand. I did a strait one. I asked Miss Leonard to pick one of us that has the most straits handstand. I did my best. Well.. I Won!

After that, Miss D put a music! The music that came up was Havana, by Camila the singer. While the song was playing Jhrnylle and Celine was playing volleyball. I joined with them and played volleyball. After a while I was getting bored so I just swim around the pool practicing how fast I am at swimming.

Questions: How fast are you in swimming? How long can you handstand in the water?

Thank you for reading this blog post, please comment in this post with positive feedback! Make sure to answer my question.


Thursday 7 November 2019

Maths Week 4!

Hello readers and viewers,

Welcome back to my blog post.

WALT: Use place value, decimals and addition and subtraction strategies to work out money problems.

I made a slideshow DLO to show you what we've been working about. So it's about Shadrach and his friends went to a Filipino bakery. He spend exactly $8.90. What combinations of buns could Shadrach have brought?

These are the bread and what they cost.

$1.20 Pandesal

$2.50 Ensaymada
$2.80 Pan de Coco
$2.60 Kalihim
$1.10 Pande Leche

Here is my DLO.


-Have you ever solved a money problem?
-If your solving a money problem, is it easy for you or not?

Thank you for reading this blog post, please give me some amazing feedback from you guys.

Monday 4 November 2019

Kids For Kids 2019

Hello readers and viewers

Welcome back to my blog post. If you are part of the choir and your going to kids for kids please read this.

In Hornby Primary School, my teacher Miss D runs the choir group! Well.. We have kids for kids tomorrow. Kids for Kids is like when you go into a performance with the choir group, and you sing along the song.

We're going to the Horncastle Arena to practice and a tour so we know where to go and where we'll meet at night.

Tomorrow which is November 5 us the people who are going to the performance needs to go to early to school. The people who are going to the kids for kids needs to be there by 8:15am. We will meet at the gym nice and ready with your bag. The bus will be leaving at 8:30. You don't wanna miss the bus do you?

We need extra water and snacks for morning tea. At 12:30pm we'll be leaving at Horncastle to go back to school, and all the rest of the time you will need to spend it to learning.

:Evening Performance:
Childrens need to be at the Horncastle Arena by 6:45pm i  order to be ready and seated for their performance by 7:10pm.

There will be a teacher in the foyer who will direct children to their designated backstage are on the night where Miss D will be waiting with them. The concert starts at 7:30pm then ends into 9:30pm. It will be late at night, so get a lot of rest!

That's all! Please, if your in choir please come early so you wont miss the bus! Get a lot of rest.

Weekly Word (Confident)

Hello viewers and readers,

Welcome back to my amazing blog post! Today I have another weekly word to show you what's the meaning.

The word is... Confident. Confident means like you really know what to do or what you say. For example you have a play and your the main character, and your confident of what your doing.

Here is my poster:


-What are you confident in?

 Thank you so much for reading this blog post!

Bye bye!