
Tuesday 30 March 2021

Counting The Beat - Ukulele

 Hello everyone, this week. We're learning about ukulele for hurumanu 2, as we all know. Hurumanu 2 is counting the beat. Yesterday, we discussed about ukulele. We brainstormed about things that we know about a ukulele for example, a ukulele has 4 strings. We also learned about the parts of the ukulele, like the body and the head.

What I know about the ukulele:

A ukulele has 4 strings, and you can play many different musics using a ukulele. A ukulele is mostly used by kids because of the size. It's easy to learn a song if you know the chords. A ukulele is very popular in Hawaii. There are many types of ukulele, like pineapple ukulele and concert ukulele. 

What do you think about the ukulele:

It's easy to learn ukulele because of the size, and ukulele is not that popular because there are many types of string instruments.

Ukulele Sizes - Soprano, Concert, Tenor, and Baritone What size ‘ukulele you play means a lot visually and sonically, but almost nothing when it comes to actually playing music (except for your familiarity with the feel of the size). Different strokes for Ukulele Sizes, Ukulele Chords Songs, Tenor Ukulele, Ukulele Tuning, Ukulele Cords, Ukulele Songs Beginner, Ukulele Fingerpicking, Ukulele Strings, Arte Do Ukulele


Tuning heads - If you twist the tuning heads, it will change the tune of the ukulele.

Sound hole - If you strum the strings of the ukulele, the sound hole reacts to the vibrations and the sound hole makes the ukulele sound louder. 

Strings - Strings are most important part of a ukulele, it's because. The music comes from the strings if yous strum it. Strings are attached in the ukulele so you can strum it and make up a music.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something new about the ukulele. 

Bullies Play

 Hello everyone. In drama were working on a play, the play is basically about 4 bullies. The setting of the story is in the bus stop. The characters are Stryk, Kuff, Grynd and Boots. It's the same play that we did last year. Me, Jhrnylle, Shontai and Cate are in a group to act out the play. I'm Grynd, Jhrnylle is Stryk, Cate is Kuff and Shontai is Boots. It's the same as last year.

Stryk, Grynd, Kuff and Boot are friends, they are probably the main character in the play because it's just them discussing about stuff. Our task is to practice the play and in the end of the term, we're gonna perform in our groups. 

What our group needs to work on:

Our group needs to work on our face expressions and the tune of our voice. If your in a play, you have to make face expressions so that the audience know what your feeling. We also have to practice the tune of our voice, because the characters in the play are bullies and we might need to make the tune of our voice sound mean or something. 

Thank you for reading this post, bye.

Cultural Terminology

 Hello everyone, in wananga. We're working on Cultural Terminology, our task is to give the meanings of the words that the teacher chose for us to work on. The words are heritage, values, whakapapa, tikanga, traditions, kiwiana, cultural identity and cultural practices. We also have to include pictures. We have to use a google drawing. We also played kahoot before we started working on this, the questions were about cultural terminology. 

Here is my work:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something about cultural terminology. Bye!

Tuesday 16 March 2021


Hello everyone, this blog post is about what we have been learning in hurumanu 2. Hurumanu 2 is music class. We're learning about the 4 types of instrument of an orchestra. The 4 types of instruments are woodwind, brass, percussion and strings.

Whats an orchestra?

An orchestra is a group of instruments that play together and it's led by a conductor. There are 4 types of instruments in an orchestra, woodwind, brass, percussion and strings.

Woodwind - A woodwind is a type of instrument in an orchestra, you will know if its a woodwind if you have to blow on it to play. A flute is a woodwind, and a recorder. 

Brass - Brass is a type of instruments that is played by the player's lips. A trumpet is a brass instrument, it produces sound by the sympathetic vibration.

Percussion - Percussion is a instrument is that is played in an orchestra. A percussion instrument can by played when its hit or shaken. A piano is a percussion instrument or a marimba.

Strings - Strings is a instruments that makes sounds if you pluck it. A guitar is one of the strings instruments because it has strings.

Family of instruments:

Woodwind - Flute, saxophone, clarinet, oboe.

Musical Instruments: The Woodwind Family – The Culture Project

Brass - Trumpet, trombone, french horn, tuba.

Brass instruments: arts, brass, en, horn, instruments, music, saxophone,  trumpet, tuba | Glogster EDU - Interactive multimedia posters

Percussion - Xylophone, drum, tambourine, marimba, snare drum.

Percussion Family - TEACHING KIDS MUSIC

Strings - Guitar, violin, cello, viola.



Conductor - The person who is leading the orchestra.

Tempo - Tempo is another word for pace, like the speed of the music.

Harmony - Different instruments that creates one music, like for example. A violin or a flute.

Melody - Melody is a combination of different tunes.

Baton - A baton is the stick that the conductor uses to lead the orchestra.

Orchestra Video

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something about orchestra and the 4 types of instruments.


Friday 12 March 2021

Sports Hero

 Hello everyone, welcome to my blog post. Yesterday, we researched about our sports hero. Our task was to research about our sports hero and blog about it. My sports hero are Micheal Jordan and Alyssa Valdez. Micheal Jordan is one of the most famous basketball player, and Alyssa Valdez is one of the most famous athlete in Philippines. She plays volleyball.

Here is my work:

Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan - Wikipedia

Who is Michael Jordan?

Michael Jordan is a person who played basketball, he is the chairman of the Charlotte Hornets. The Charlotte Hornets is a basketball team. Michael Jordan started playing basketball in 1984. He became famous because of his basketball skills and his leadership abilities. He also got famous because he earned many awards in basketball. Sadly, he already retired from basketball in 2004 because of his wife and family. Michael Jordan is considered as one of the greatest basketball players in the NBA.

Why is Michael Jordan my sports hero?

Michael Jordan is my sport here because he quit basketball for his family. He is caring and he is a good leader. He also supported Black Lives Matter by donating $100 million USD which is $140,456,000.00 million NZD which helps them a lot. He also helped some 

How did Michael Jordan’s career started?

Michael Jordan was just an ordinary human who plays basketball, he started playing basketball when he was in University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was drafted to Chicago Bulls, that's eventually when Michael Jordan was noticed by the crowd and he became famous. He proved himself by scoring lots of goals and showing excellent leadership skills, for his efforts. He received Rookie of the Year Award and was selected for the All-Star Game. He became the first player to score more than 3,000 points in one season. 

Alyssa Valdez

PVL: Alyssa Valdez clinches third MVP award | ABS-CBN News

Who is Alyssa Valdez?

Alyssa Valdez is a volleyball player that represents the Philippines, she is very popular in the Philippines and mostly everyone knows her in the Philippines. She plays for Creamline Cool Smashers, she is good at playing volleyball and she was noticed by the crowd by her amazing skills at volleyball and communication skills.

Why is Alyssa Valdez my sports hero?

Alyssa Valdez is my sports hero because she inspires people to not give up. Even if their team is losing in a volleyball game, she never gives up. She tries her best. She inspires people to play volleyball. Because some people think that volleyball is only for women, volleyball is for both genders.

Chelsea Bremner

Chelsea Bremner »

Who is Chelsea Bremner?

Chelsea Bremner is my teacher, but she also plays rugby. She is in Black Ferns, and she has a Sister named Alana Bremner. She is 25 years old, and in 2019. She used to help around in my class (Room 6 Ako Ngatahi). Now, she is a real teacher in Hornby High School.

Why is Chelsea Bremner my sports hero?

Chelsea Bremner is my sports hero because she works for 2 jobs, not much people would work for 2 jobs at once. She is also a very positive teacher, and she is nice. She is my favourite teacher because she is hard working. She works hard for us, after she does training for her rugby. She has to go to school, just imagine how tired she is, but she tries her best and keep being positive.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learnt something about my sports hero. Who is your sports hero? 


Thursday 11 March 2021

Changing The World (Finished)

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. This post is about what we have been doing in hurumanu 3. In hurumanu 3, we are focusing on inventions. Our task was to read an article and answer questions, after we answered and read the article. We have to create a timeline about the cars.

Here is my work:

Changing The World

Super Bike!

Comprehension Questions

  1. What was the name of the first bike John Britten made at home?

The name of John Britten’s first bike is called ‘Britten V1000”.

  1. How long would it take John to build a go-cart?  What did him build them out of? 

It takes about 3 weeks for John to build a go-cart, he builds many different types of go-cart. John uses the big wooden box that he got from his father’s bike shop.

  1. What does John have trouble with?

John has trouble with reading magazines, he uses the magazines for some ideas for his go-cart.

  1. What type of car did John design when he was 12? 

By the time he was twelve, John bought a petrol motor. He was finally able to complete this go-cart.

How would you feel?

Describe how you would feel watching a bike designed by YOU win an international race.

I would feel happy, because I might have worked hard for the bike I designed. I might also be noticed by some famous people, in that way. Maybe I can create a company, because we receive money if we win a race.

Replace The Words But Keep The Meaning

The following sentence comes from the text. Your job is to rearrange/add in/replace some of the words with other words you know. Make sure the original meaning of the sentence stays the same.

When it sprints past factory bikes on the race track, you can hardly believe it yourself!

Re word: At the point when it runs past manufacturing plant bicycles on the race track, you can barely trust it yourself.

The Introduction Information

1. Change the title. Change the title of the article, but make sure it is still a suitable title yet an interesting title. 

‘History of John Britten’s Super Bike’

I changed the title to History of John Britten superbike because, in the article. It basically explains how John Britten created the go-kart and the bikes, it also explained when he started making the bikes. So I made the decision to name it the history of John Britten superbike. 

2. State what ‘Genre’ the text is. Is it a play, story, article etc? 

In my opinion, I think the genre is non-fiction and history. It’s non-fiction because all of the things that he says are actually real. I think it’s also history because the cars that they use are different from what we use right now. Basically, we're in the modern world right now.

3. List the Author/s and Illustrator/s of the text. 

The author of Superbike is Jane Buxton.

4. In a paragraph, write a short synopsis/review of what it was about.

John Britten is a man, who won an award for having the fastest superbike in a race. The super bike is called ‘Britten V1000’. He went through a lot of stuff while trying to make his superbike successful. When he was about 12 years old, he saved up enough money to buy a petrol motor. In that way, he can make his very first go-kart. 

The Steam Powered Car

Replace The Words But Keep The Meaning

The following sentence comes from the text. Your job is to rearrange/add in/replace some of the words with other words you know. Make sure the original meaning of the sentence stays the same.

"Now that the cost of petrol has risen over the years, and the air is becoming polluted with fumes, a steam powered car could be the car of the future."

Re Word: The price of the petrol is rising higher over the years. The air is being polluted with fumes, a steam powered car can be the car for the future.

The Introduction Information

  1.  Change the title of the text but make sure it is still a suitable title yet an interesting title. 

‘Stanley Steam Powered Car’

I named it the Stanley steam powered car, because the steam powered car was created by the Stanley brothers. The credit has to belong to them.

  1. State what ‘Genre’ the text is. Is it a play, story, article etc? 

The genre is history I guess, because this steam powered car was created in the past.  It’s also non-fiction because these stories are true, it’s not fiction. 

  1.  List the Author/s and Illustrator/s of the text. 

Author: Pat Quinn

  1.  In a paragraph, write a short synopsis/review of what it was about.

The Stanley twins created a steam powered car, they didn’t want an electric car because you have to charge it. They also didn’t want a petrol-driven car, because it produces smelly fumes. The car that they invented is much better than the electric cars and the petrol-driven car. You can easily turn it on, and it can go up to 204 kilometers per hour which is fast. 

Would you buy one?

Would you own and drive a steam powered car?  Why/why not?

I would buy a steam powered car, because it’s easy to use and it doesn’t release any toxic or smelly fumes. It's safer to use a steam powered car than using a petrol driven car and an electric car. Just imagine if there something wrong with the electric car, you might get electrocuted,

What are the pluses and minuses to the steam powered car? 


  • Easy to use.

  • No need to use electricity.

  • No smelly fumes.

  • Easy to start.


  • Might release a toxic smell.

  • Might break down in the middle of the road.

How Cars Changed The World

Replace The Words But Keep The Meaning

The following sentence comes from the text. Your job is to rearrange/add in/replace some of the words with other words you know. Make sure the original meaning of the sentence stays the same.

“Cars made it even easier to move around and keep in contact, but they were very expensive. Only wealthy people could afford one”.

Most cars are created to be easy to drive, but they are all very expensive. Only wealthy people can buy those types of cars.

The Introduction Information

1. Change the title of the text but make sure it is still a suitable title yet an interesting title. 

“Types of Cars”

I named it types of cars because in the article, it shared many different types of cars. Like for example, those fast ones. 

2. State what ‘Genre’ the text is. Is it a play, story, article etc? 

Article, history, non-fiction. 

3. List the Author/s and Illustrator/s of the text. 

Author - Bronwen Wall

4. In a paragraph, write a short synopsis/review of what it was about.

There are many different types of cars, today. The cars that we have are created by some skilled people, most of the cars are very fast, especially the sport cars. Most of the cars can reach into 150 kilometers per hour, which is fast.



  • The first engine was invented by Carl Benz, he also invented the two-stroke engine.

  • The first seat belt was invented on February 10.


  • The first car was invented by Carl Benz, he is the same person who invented the first engine. He named it Benz Patent Motorwagen.


  • Ford Model T was invented.


  • The first car keys were invented by Chrysler.


  • The first radio was invented by Paulgalvin


  • Tesla created their own auto pilot car.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something new about cars.


Wednesday 10 March 2021

Counting The Beat - Guitars

 Hello everyone, this post is about what we're doing in hurumanu 2. Hurumanu 2 is music class, and in music class we are learning about beats and instruments. This week, we are focusing on guitars, rhythm and beat. 

Yesterday in the last period (Period 5) we looked on many different types of guitars. There were acoustic, electric guitar, Spanish guitar and bass guitar. I noticed that there were many different names and shapes of a guitar, like for example. A travel guitar, I found the shape of that guitar weird. Because the shape doesn't look like the guitar that I know, the ones that I know is a classical acoustic guitar.


Tuning Keys : 

Guitar String Tuning Pegs Machine Heads Tuners Keys for Classical Acoustic  Gold | eBay

Tuning keys are the used to tune your guitar, you can either tune it higher and tune it lower. It depends on the type of song that you are practising. Like for example, you are learning a acoustic song. You would normally use low and high tune.

Saddle : 

How to make a bone acoustic guitar saddle | MusicRadar

A saddle is one of the most important part in a guitar because, the guitar's strings are supported by the saddle. If you look closely to a guitar, you can see that the strings are attached to the saddle. 

Sound Hole : 

Planet Waves O-Port Soundhole Enhancer Anyone? - The Acoustic Guitar Forum

A sound hole is a part of a guitar that also supports it. With the sound hole, you can hear your guitar. All acoustic guitars has a sound hole, but an electric guitar has no sound hole because its attached to speaker or something.

Types of Guitars :

Acoustic Guitar - Acoustic guitar is the most common guitar, you can use acoustic guitar is mostly used for a soft type of song. Like for example, one of those guitar cover (guitar version of a song).

Electric Guitar - Electric guitar is mostly used to create a song or something, if you listen to a song very carefully. You can mostly hear the electric guitar when its a rock type of song, sometimes. There are also some instrumental moments for electric guitar.

Spanish Guitar - Spanish guitars use nylon strings. 

Air Guitar - An air guitar is basically the easiest guitar to play, because you can imagine it. You can play it whenever you want, it basically based on your imagination. 

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something about guitars.


Monday 8 March 2021

International Women's Day

 Hello everyone, today is the women's day. Women's day is a important celebration because, on March 8. Women's finally had the right to be free by their actions. In the past, women's were not allowed to work because of stereotypes. People think that women are weaker than men, not all women are weak.

Women were not allowed to work, their job was to stay at home and do all the house works and men has to go out and work. Women's also protested because some girls get into an arranged marriage with someone they don't actually love, or sometimes they can be lucky and be arranged into a marriage of someone they actually like. That's also why women's protested that they all have to be treated fairly.

Our task was to create a DLO about Women's day, because women's day is one of the most important celebrations in New Zealand. We have to research about the women's day and what happened there, we can create either a slideshow or something like that. I choose to create a google slide, because it easy to use and it's also presenting my work.

Here is my DLO:

Thank you for reading this post about the women's day, I hope you have learned something new.


Tuesday 2 March 2021

My Mask

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. This post is about my mask that I created in drama class. The mask that I created is called masquerade mask, I searched some mask ideas in google and I was inspired by those mask. It's also pretty easy to create a masquerade mask.

I used a cardboard plate to make my mask, I cut it out to form a shape of my mask. The part that I really struggled in is cutting out a space for my eye, it was hard because I didn't have a cutter. That's why the eye part in my mask isn't perfect because I didn't have a cutter. 

Next, I added the decorations for my mask, while I was cutting out the shape of my mask. I left a little space for my pompom looking that I found in the basket. So I used it because I liked the iridescent colour, I left a little space for the pompom looking thing so that it wouldn't block my eye. Because I might get into a serious accident if I cant see. I added a little ribbon behind the iridescent pompom, I couldn't make a perfect ribbon so I just made it like that.

I thought that my mask looked boring because it didn't have designs in the left side, so I added a bow in the other side. 

This is what my mask looked like:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you liked my mask.


Monday 1 March 2021

Changing The World

Kamusta, welcome to my blog. For this post, I am going to share you my work. Our task was to choose a topic, the topics are Super Bike, The Steam Powered Car, How Cars Changed The World. I chose super bike. We had to read a book about Super bike, it's about interviewing John Britten. After we read the book, we have finish some tasks that the teacher prepared for us, it's about the book.s

Here is my work:

Super Bike!

Comprehension Questions

  1. What was the name of the first bike John Britten made at home?

The name of John Britten’s first bike is called ‘Britten V1000”.

  1. How long would it take John to build a go-cart?  What did him build them out of? 

It takes about 3 weeks for John to build a go-cart, he builds many different types of go-cartt. John uses the big wooden box that he got from his father’s bike shop.

  1. What does John have trouble with?

John has trouble with reading magazines, he uses the magazines for some ideas for his go-cart.

  1. What type of car did John design when he was 12? 

By the time he was twelve, John bought a petrol motor. He was finally able to complete this go-cart.

How would you feel?

Describe how you would feel watching a bike designed by YOU win an international race.

I would feel happy, because I might have worked hard for the bike I designed. I might also be noticed by some famous people, in that way. Maybe I can create a company, because we receive money if we win a race.

Replace The Words But Keep The Meaning

The following sentence comes from the text. Your job is to rearrange/add in/replace some of the words with other words you know. Make sure the original meaning of the sentence stays the same.

When it sprints past factory bikes on the race track, you can hardly believe it yourself!

Re word: At the point when it runs past manufacturing plant bicycles on the race track, you can barely trust it yourself.

The Introduction Information

1. Change the title. Change the title of the article, but make sure it is still a suitable title yet an interesting title. 

‘History of John Britten’s Super Bike’

I changed the title to History of John Britten super bike because, in the article. It basically explains how John Britten created the go-kart and the bikes, it also explained when he started making the bikes. So I made the decision to name it the history of John Britten super bike. 

2. State what ‘Genre’ the text is. Is it a play, story, article etc? 

In my opinion, I think the genre is non-fiction and history. It’s non-fiction because all of the things that he says are actually real. I think it’s also history because the cars that they use are different from what we use right now. Basically, we're in the modern world right now.

3. List the Author/s and Illustrator/s of the text. 

The author of Super bike is Jane Buxton.

4. In a paragraph, write a short synopsis/review of what it was about.

John Britten is a man, who won an award for having the fastest superbike in a race. The super bike is called ‘Britten V1000’. He went through a lot of stuff while trying to make his superbike successful. When he was about 12 years old, he saved up enough money to buy a petrol motor. In that way, he can make his very first go-kart.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have learned something about John Britten.