
Wednesday 24 February 2021

Pobble Time!

 Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. Today, I'm going to show you what we have been working on, on Wananga time.

In wananga, we did pobble time. Our task was to answer the questions based on the picture that they have prepared for us. This is what the picture looks like: 

The picture shows that a crow is biting a key, it seems like that the crow stole the key from someone.

We also have to create a story for this, but it has a story starter. We just have to continue the story starter.

Here is my work:

Question time!

What do you think the key is for? Why do you think the girl is so desperate to have it?

The key might be for a secret door, but that crow stole the key from her. That’s probably why she’s very desperate to get it. 

Why do you think the crow has taken the key?

Maybe, someone else might need that key too, and that other person might have asked the crow to steal the key from the girl. But the crow had a time limit to get the key, maybe that’s why the crow is sitting on the clock.

How did the clock get there? Is it significant in the story?

The other person who was trying to steal the key gave a time limit to the crow and that person lived in a forest. The crow might have to get the key before 4:30pm.

What do you think the crow is thinking?

The crow might be thinking of giving the key to the other person who wants it.

Where have all the leaves on the ground come from?

The leaves might have come from the trees from above, or it might be a magical tree. That's why in the picture, it looks like there's no tree.

Story starter!

She had been chasing it all day. Now, the crow had it.

Time was ticking. Time was running out. She tiptoed towards the creature, seeing the precious key it held precariously in its sharp, cruel beak. It let out an irritating, throaty cackle, its soot-black wings ruffling gently as it manoeuvred itself on top of the clock; it was ready to take flight.

Knowing she might only have a few seconds before her opportunity disappeared, she took another cautious step forward. Time seemed to slow, her body tingled in excitement and her heart thudded in her chest. It was now or never.

She slowly reached out of the key, but the crow flew away and dropped the key in the ground. “Oh no, I lost the key. There're many leaves, how am I supposed to find it…” The girl sighed as she sat down in the ground, feeling hopeless to find it. She started searching for the key.

30 minutes later…

She gave up on finding the key, she sat down. She placed her hand on the leaves, and suddenly. She felt something, she picked it up and it was the key. She stood up quickly and ran to the door, and inserted the key in the key hole. It was the perfect size, she quickly opened the door.

The door led to a basement, from her view. The basement was very dark, but she was very curious about what's inside the basement. So she fearlessly walked down the stairs, she was also scared at the same time. She placed her hand on the wall, and she felt something. It was some sort of wall lantern, so she tried to find the button to open the wall lantern.


There was finally light, and she continued to walk down the stairs. Suddenly, there was another door. She tried to open it, but it was locked. She inserted the key to the door, and it doesn’t fit. The key hole was big for the key, “Aww, I have come this far and this is the result.” She said. She noticed that there was a hidden key hole in the door. So she inserted the key in that keyhole, and it fits. She excitedly unlocked the door. 

She opened the door...

To be continued...

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