
Thursday 17 September 2020

Novel Study

 Hello readers

Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to share you what we have been doing in Hurumanu 2. Hurumanu 2 is drama and reading. The novel that my group was focusing on was 'Rain fall'. Rain fall is an interesting book that was wrote by Ella West.

Ella West was born in New Zealand at Invercargill. She also created many other novel like, Thieves, Anywhere But Here, Real Life, The Thieves Trilogy, Night Vision and lastly Rain Fall. Rain fall is her latest book that she wrote on 2018.

The main character in Rain Fall is 'Annie', Annie is a female horse rider. She has a horse called Blue, Annie has a boyfriend called 'Jack', Jack is also a male horse rider but Jack is more famous that Annie.

I am going to show you two pieces of my tasks that I have finished:

Task: Create a drawing depicting an interesting scene in the text.

The scene that I'm going to draw is when Pete's house exploded, here is my drawing of the scene:

Next task:
Design 5 questions that could be used in a test about the book.
1- Who is the main character in the book? (Answer: The main character in the book is Annie)

2- Who is the author of this book? (Answer: Ella West)

3-What happened in the ending? (Answer: Annie and Jack met Pete on a mountain while they we're walking, but Annie got shot and they went to the hospital and Annie recovered.) 

4- Who was the missing boy? (Answer: The missing boy is Annie's childhood friend called Pete.)

5- How did Annie and Jack meet? (Answer: Annie took Blue - her horse to the beach for a walk, and she noticed that someone was following her and it was Jack.)

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have enjoyed this. Rain Fall is a really good book, you might want to read it!


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