
Friday 25 September 2020

Business Enterprise / Market Day

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog! This post is about the business enterprise. 

Business enterprise is when we have to create a business it can be anything, like cultural or social. We have to be in a group of four to start doing our bussiness enterprise plan. My teammates were Elisha (aka-also known as my sister), Losalini / Linny and Stephanie. Elisha was the CEO, Losalini/Linny was the production manager. Stephanie was the marketing manager and I was the finance manager.

The marketing day was happening in September 23, and we have to get all of our products ready here is a picture of our stand
Summary of the day.
- The market day was very sunny, and it was also very crowded. It was fun in the market day because we get to buy people's product, like slime and stuffs. There was also foods. 

What did you like
- I like the part where we can buy any product from different Kahui (Riroriro, Mohua, Tieke). People we're also creative because of the logo and the wrapping part.

What would you change for the next time?
- I would change our product and the price of our product, because our product is a like a many stuffs in one package. Our company name is Chie Gifts (blessed with wisdom). It would be better if we didn't do like a gift bags because it also cost a lot. If we separate them, we would get a big profit.

How must did it cost to make your products/services? How much did you borrow?
- All the products that we both costed 20 dollars. We borrowed 19 dollars.

How much money did you mark on Market Day?
- We made about 27 dollars by our product.

What was your total profit?
- We earned 27 dollars but we have to give 20 dollars to the bank which makes our profit $7.

Was this what you expected? Why/why not?
- I expected that our profit is $7, because before we made the product we figured out our profit.

What could have influenced this?
- The reason why we made $7 dollars its because of the quantity of our product. We only had 9 gift bags and it cost $3 each. 7x3=27-20=$7.

Thank you for reading this post, bye!

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Te Whare Tapa Wha

 Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. This post is about Te Whare Tapa Wha, it's like a Maori word and it means "Health and well being".

There is Te Taha Hinegaro (Mental well being), Te Taha Wairua (Spiritual well being), Te Taha Tinana (Physical well being) and Te Taha Whanau (Family and social connection). It's like pillars of the house, when you try to build a house without pillar your house will just collapse. 

Here is a picture that related to Te Whare Tapa Wha.

Te whare tapa wha

For our task, we are supposed to create an example of how we show Te Whare Tapa Wha. 

Here is my work:

Te Taha Hinegaro (Mental well being): I normally draw on my sketch pad because it makes me relax. Like for example I just draw outfits. 

Te Taha Wairua (Spiritual well being): I show Te Taha Wairua by praying everytime before eating my food, I also pray before sleeping at night. Also going to church.

Te Taha Tinana (Physical well being): I show physical well being by walking.

Te Taha Whanau (Family and social connection): I show family and social connection by hanging out with my family, e.g. going shopping.

Whenua (Land, roots): I show whenua by being connected with my friends and family, e.g. being in contact with them.

Thank you for reading this post, goodbye!

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Becoming A Martian


Welcome back to my blog, this blog is about Mars. I am going to explain what we did in hurumanu 3 with Miss Bremner and Mrs Allan.

We had to a read some sort of story that gives information about Mars, e.g. facts about Mars. We have to answer 5 questions that are related in the story, and we have read the story clearly so that I can find the answer.

Here is my answers for the questions:

1. When can a mission to Mars (or from Mars) happen? Why?
Every twenty-six months is the only way to go to Mars because they are close together and you wont need to stay in the spaceship for so long to reach Mars.

2. What are two geological features of Mars?
Mars is also known as the red planet because of it's colour.
Olympus Mons is the largest volcano in the universe (from Mars).

3. What is one possible solution form the story about oxygen on Mars?
NASA was planning to send a machine that produce oxygen by 2020.

4. If it doesn't rain on Mars, where does the water come from?
The water in Mars is underneath, they have to dig for it melt the ice and clean it so that they can drink it.

5. How will people get food on Mars? What is a possible solution.
If they will bring their own food it will last for twenty-six months.

Do you want to go to Mars? Why?

That's all for this post, I hope you have learnt something new.

Thursday 17 September 2020

Novel Study

 Hello readers

Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to share you what we have been doing in Hurumanu 2. Hurumanu 2 is drama and reading. The novel that my group was focusing on was 'Rain fall'. Rain fall is an interesting book that was wrote by Ella West.

Ella West was born in New Zealand at Invercargill. She also created many other novel like, Thieves, Anywhere But Here, Real Life, The Thieves Trilogy, Night Vision and lastly Rain Fall. Rain fall is her latest book that she wrote on 2018.

The main character in Rain Fall is 'Annie', Annie is a female horse rider. She has a horse called Blue, Annie has a boyfriend called 'Jack', Jack is also a male horse rider but Jack is more famous that Annie.

I am going to show you two pieces of my tasks that I have finished:

Task: Create a drawing depicting an interesting scene in the text.

The scene that I'm going to draw is when Pete's house exploded, here is my drawing of the scene:

Next task:
Design 5 questions that could be used in a test about the book.
1- Who is the main character in the book? (Answer: The main character in the book is Annie)

2- Who is the author of this book? (Answer: Ella West)

3-What happened in the ending? (Answer: Annie and Jack met Pete on a mountain while they we're walking, but Annie got shot and they went to the hospital and Annie recovered.) 

4- Who was the missing boy? (Answer: The missing boy is Annie's childhood friend called Pete.)

5- How did Annie and Jack meet? (Answer: Annie took Blue - her horse to the beach for a walk, and she noticed that someone was following her and it was Jack.)

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you have enjoyed this. Rain Fall is a really good book, you might want to read it!


Thursday 10 September 2020

Heroes Vs Villains Story & Drawing

Hello readers

Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to show you what we have been doing at hurumanu 4. Hurumanu 4 is writing and arts. For the writing, we wrote a hero vs villain story. For drawing we draw the characters that we have in our story, and also the setting.

I had 2 settings in my story, my main setting was the city. The second setting was the abandoned village. The main character in my story was Gia, Gia is a female hero. She has a brother called Zeke, he was also a hero. The villains we're Val and Ezjekiel, they were partners in crime. The background characters were Mira, Salvarine, Diana, Rose and Ian. The powers in my story were called 'Mana', it was named after Lord Mana. Because he was the first person to have a power and he was part of the royal family, he bought peace to the kingdom.

This is my drawings, I only drew Gia and Zeke. I am planning to draw Val and Ezjekiel too.


This is the story that I have been working on, it's a fiction story. Enjoy!

Thank you for reading this post and reading my story, I hope you have enjoyed my story and please give me some feedbacks about my story.
