
Wednesday 15 April 2020

What I Have Been Doing In These Days At Home

Hello readers!

Welcome back to my blog post. In this post, I'm going to be telling you what I have been doing at home.

At home me and my dad did gardening at home in our backyard. I helped my dad because I was really bored that time because I had nothing to do. It was really fun but I was a little bit not used to hold dirt with my hands. While we we're gardening I also saw a worm wiggling in the dirt which shocked me.

Last night me and my sister played monopoly. I won the game. It was fun but after a little while we got bored so we just did our own stuffs. After we played monopoly, me and my sister decided to bake 2 pizza. We went to our parents room and asked permission to bake pizza. We didn't make the whole ingredients. My dad brought that pizza from the Pak'nSave. We only had to bake it  10 minutes. I already know how to use the oven because I baked a cake with my sister and my dad, it was a chocolate cake and me and my sister also baked cupcakes it was chocolate and vanilla flavour. I turned on the oven and turned it into the right temperature which was 200°C. I put the pizza carefully in the oven and make sure I don't burn my hands because it was already hot. I took my Ipad and started the 10 minute timer. After 10 minute the pizza was done. Then we put the next pizza into the oven. My sister was going to cut the first pizza and I was going to cut the second pizza. My sister was cutting the first pizza then the second pizza was finally done. I took it out and started cutting it too. After that we ate the pizza. :)

Me and my mum went outside with my drone, we tried the drone because it was a long time since we've used that drone. I was the one controlling it. It was hard controlling it because I keep pressing the wrong button. It was afternoon when me and my mum decided to use the drone. My mum said to film like a outside house tour of our house the weather was great it wasn't windy or raining it was just normal. I film outside the house.

I also did mathletics, spelling city, the ESOL work book and Japanese tasks and other tasks.

That's all for this post please comment in this post, and stay safe and stay at home! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this awesome blog post Rheanne! I love how you included so much detail. It is great that you have been helping do the gardening. Wow that is pretty cool that you have a drone! Well done using paragraphs to sort your ideas. Make sure you proof read through your writing (:


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