
Thursday 20 December 2018


Activity 2: Fabulous Ferns [4 points]

One of the most common plants found in New Zealand forests is the fern. It is a special, iconic symbol of New Zealand. You will find pictures of ferns on the jerseys of many famous sporting teams in New Zealand, including the New Zealand All Blacks.
Did you know that many of these teams also have the word ‘fern’ in their name? Use your best researching skills to find three New Zealand sporting teams who use the word ‘fern’ in their title.

On your blog list three sports teams that have the word ‘fern’ in their title. Beside each team’s name, post a picture of their uniform. Then, at the bottom of your blog post tell us which of the three uniforms you like best and why.

Image result for Fern sport team t-shirtAll Blacks

Image result for Silver Ferns uniformSilver Fern

Related image

Black Fern

Answer: I like Sliver Fern's Shirt because it has a Fern in the bottom and it has a skirt.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Good afternoon Rheanne-Mae,

    It's great to see you using images to illustrate your blog posts. Every time that we use an image on our blog, it's really important that we tell our readers where we found it, and give credit to the owner of the picture.

    To properly credit a picture you will need to include a link to the site where you found the image. We have created a guide that you might find helpful. You can check it out here:

    You will need to follow these instructions to earn full points for any Summer Learning Journey activity that has asked you to post an image. If you have any questions, you are more than welcome to ask me!

    Do you want to find out an interesting fact about the 'Black Ferns' sports team? Although they wear a silver fern on their jersey, the name 'Black Ferns' come from the black tree fern (mamaku) which is New Zealand’s tallest tree fern!

    If you were a designer, what would the uniform look like? Would you still keep the silver fern or change the colour? I'd love to know. :)

    Talk soon,


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Helpful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.