
Tuesday 23 June 2020


Kia Ora

Welcome back to my blog post, this post is about Matariki.

Finding Matariki – Kiwi Conservation Club
(Click the picture if you can't read it properly)

Facts about Matariki :
Matariki is 7 stars that appear on June 20, and ends in July 15. Matariki has 500 stars, but only 7 are visible. Matariki literally means "Eyes of god". Matariki is the Maori's new year, Matariki's daughters are Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Wairpunarangi, Waiti, Waita and Ururangi.

Last week on Maori class we played some Maori games, like knuckle bones. Knuckle bones is a game that you use your hands and palms to catch the knuckle bones.

We also watched a new Maori movie which is called the Whale Rider, Whale Rider was filmed in 2002. Before the Whale Rider we also watched a movie called Boy, it was filmed in 2010.

The Maori people even made a waiata about matariki, if you would like to listen on the song with the lyrics here is the link : Matariki Waiata

Here are more facts about Matariki

Thank you for reading this post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rheanne,
    I like how you included a picture of Matariki stars to give the readers a better understanding of what it is about. I also like how you included some facts about Matariki. It's nice to know about the other beliefs and cultures. I also like how you layed-out your blogpost neatly and added the song link to the Matariki waiata. Keep up the good work! Maybe next time what you could talk about how was the movie - Whale Rider. Did you like it? If so why?


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