
Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Aotearoa History Show - New Zealand Wars (Part 2)


Welcome back to my blog post, today at hurumanu 1 we watched a video about the New Zealand War (Part two)

When we watched the video we got lots of information about the New Zealand history, and some were shocking. They talked about Te Ua, Te Toku Whare and Teku Te. Today was different, after we watched the video we didn't answer the following question we made a summary about the video. But we still took notes to help us make this summary

This is my summary
In 1894 Te Ua saw an angel and the angel spoke to him and said that Maori should own the land and no one else. He believed that the Angel. In 1894 Te Ua made a new religion which is called Paimarie and he became a prophet.

In 1860 more settlers were coming in and the Maori’s and the British were fighting for land, because the British government wanted the lands of New Zealand and the Maori didn’t want them to have full control of the land. The New Zealand wars ended in 1872, about 3000 people died and 2000 Maori died.

Te Toku Whare was the new PM leader, he tried to stop the war but they didn’t listen and still fighted. Te Toku Whare was a smart leader.

Teku Te was sent to Chatham Island because they thought that Teku Te was the spy, and 100+ of his followers were sent there too. In 1968 Teku Te found a ship with supplies in it and him and his followers sailed back to New Zealand. Teku Te wanted revenge because they sent him to Chatham Island, he attacked the village and killed 70 people. Then Teku Te was attacked and 100+ of his followers but he survived.

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed this and you can comment things that you know about the nz history.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020


Kia Ora

Welcome back to my blog post, this post is about Matariki.

Finding Matariki – Kiwi Conservation Club
(Click the picture if you can't read it properly)

Facts about Matariki :
Matariki is 7 stars that appear on June 20, and ends in July 15. Matariki has 500 stars, but only 7 are visible. Matariki literally means "Eyes of god". Matariki is the Maori's new year, Matariki's daughters are Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Wairpunarangi, Waiti, Waita and Ururangi.

Last week on Maori class we played some Maori games, like knuckle bones. Knuckle bones is a game that you use your hands and palms to catch the knuckle bones.

We also watched a new Maori movie which is called the Whale Rider, Whale Rider was filmed in 2002. Before the Whale Rider we also watched a movie called Boy, it was filmed in 2010.

The Maori people even made a waiata about matariki, if you would like to listen on the song with the lyrics here is the link : Matariki Waiata

Here are more facts about Matariki

Thank you for reading this post.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Reading Tasks (Mahinga Kai)


Welcome back to my blog post, this post is about the task that I have been doing at hurumanu 1 which is history and reading.

Today we did reading, the book that we we're focusing on is mahinga kai. The book before I did the mahinga kai was tangata whenua, and also both books are good.

To finish the task we have to read the book first, then if we finished reading the book the teachers have prepared some questions based on the story mahinga kai. Some we're hard to answer but it was ok.

Here is one of questions that I answered:

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it and you can freely comment. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Making Biltong (Beef Jerky)

Magandang umaga /  Magandang hapon,
  Good morning          Good afternoon

Welcome back to my blog post, today in hurumanu 3 which is science we made beef jerky.

Yesterday I finished my work task to be able to create beef jerky today, and I manage to create beef jerky today. So in the work task we have to tell what are the ingredients that we need and also the steps on how to make beef jerky.

These are the ingredients that we need to make beef jerky:
White Sugar

Those are the main ingredients, and we only used that ingredients to make beef jerky today. It was pretty easy to make and the meat felt slimy.

These are the steps that I did
Write out the step-by-step instructions
  1. Get all of the ingredients that you need, which are the cutted flank beef, pickling salt and white sugar.
  2. Get a pinch of salt and sprinkle it on the cutted flank meat, after you sprinkle the first side that you did turn over and sprinkle the other side with a pinch of salt. Also repeat the same steps for the sugar.
  3. After you sprinkled the salt, hang up the meat on the string line using a peg. 
  4. Leave the meat hanging in the string line for 3 days to let it dry

This is what it looked like:

And this is how it looks like when it was dry:

How I describe the beef jerky:
See : It looks like dog food
Smell : Dog Food
Hear : Crunch
Taste : Rotten Salty Tuna

I rate it a 0, because it taste gross. I don't like it, I think it was a fail.

Questions : -Have you ever made a homemade beef jerky?

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you enjoyed it and you can also comment down bellow and you can answer my question.
