
Thursday 20 February 2020

Reading/Drama Bath (Hur2)

Ohayou Gazaimaz/ Konnichi Wa!
(Good morning)     (Good afternoon)

Welcome to my blog post! Today I'm going to show you what we have been doing in Hurumanu 2. 

Hurumanu 2 is Reading and drama. The teacher put a link to a site called "The Prediction Collection", and in that site we have to choose a picture of a scene and there's some questions bellow that we have to answer by just looking what the picture looks like and you have to put the reason why you think it is. Here is the site so that you can also use it!

Here is my work that I did:


Credit: Pascal Campion

What is happening in this picture? Describe it to someone who can’t see it.
  • What is the boy doing? Why?
It looks like the boy is playing in the tub with its cardboard sword. The the dad was trying to clean the boy.

  • What is he imagining? Why is he imagining this while he’s in the bathroom? Where did the sword come from?
Maybe the boy was imagining that he's the tarzan because the boy is hanging in the bathroom curtains. The boy’s dad might have given the toy sword to him 

  • How is the man feeling?
Maybe annoyed because he’s trying to clean him and also shocked because the boy hanged in the bathroom curtains

  • Do you think their bath times are usually like this?
I think this always happens because most of the kids have imagination about fun stuff like this.

  • Add speech bubbles to the image.
“I’M TARZAN, I’M TARZAN” The boy said and climbed on the curtains.
“Please keep it down son, you might wake up the neighbors, their sleeping.”Dad said
“Awww…”The boy said disappointedly and climbed down the curtains.
“Good boy” Dad said proudly

  • What do you think will happen next?
The boy yelled and woke up the neighbors, and the next day they went to every house in their neighborhood to say sorry.

Thank you for reading this post and also my work! You can comment if you want to. Have a great day.

Sayounara! (Goodbye!)

1 comment:

  1. Ohayou Gazaimaz Rheanne!

    It's Jhrnylle here. I really like the way you explained what you are doing. The links and the pictures makes your blog stronger.

    The words that you write is very clear. I'm just wondering, why are their highlight? What is it for?

    Here is my question about the "Bath". How did you know that it's the little boy's dad? Is there any hints that makes you think it's his Dad?

    Great job. Keep up the good work! I'll look forward to answer my questions. Have a great day! Bye!

    Kind Regards,


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2. Helpful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
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