
Wednesday 30 October 2019

Weekly Word (Resentful)

Hello viewers and readers,

Welcome back to my amazing blog post.

Today I'm going to share you what we've been doing on reading time. 

WALT: Understand vocabulary deeper.

The word is.. Resentful! If you have ever heard about resentful please comment in my blog post and share what you think the meaning is.

Here is my weekly word:

Thank you for reading this blog post, I hope you have a great day!

Tuesday 29 October 2019

My Writing

Kamusta viewers and reader,

Welcome back to my amazing blog post. This post is late, this should be posted by last week. But don't worry about it!


-Use strong ideas when writing.

-Eliminate unnecessary ideas and words.

-Only include what is powerful, meaningful and important.

Our goal is to just write. We used the most dangerous writing. We have 5 minute strait to write. If you stop, your screen will start to get red that means you have to keep writing.

This is what I wrote in the strait 5 minute :

As she stopped to catch her breath, she looked back no one was there.....
"BOOO!!!". " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed. "Hehehe

that was just a joke friend. Sorry I pranked ya!" Celine said. "Why did you
scare me like that that!!!" I said. "Because it's halloween!" Celine said. "Lol

I made the outfit lol!" Jhrnylle said. "I was so scared!" I said. "Hey. Do you
guys wanna prank Venice?" Celine said. " Yea sure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jhrnylle

said. "What about vampire prank?" I said when an idea just popped up in
my head. "Omg that's going to be an amazing idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Celine said.

"Let's go to my house and let's dress up as vampires, since i have lot's to
halloween costume". Jhrnylle said. "Ok" Me and Celine said together.

We went to Jhrnylle’s house and into her room. “THIS OUTFIT FOR
US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jhrnylle said. We put on the fake blood and the outfit,
after dressing up. “Oooo this look realistic!” Celine said. “Now all we do is
go to Venice’s house.” Jhrnylle said. “Okay.” I said.

Me, Celine and Jhrnylle walked to Venice’s house since it was just so fast
to go there because we were all neighbours. Venice’s house was just 3
houses away from Jhrnylle’s house. DING DONG DING DONG DING DONG
DING DONG!!!!!!!! “Ok ok whoever is ringing the doorbell stop it!” Venice said.
Venice opened the door but there was no one. It was part of our plan. “Ugh.
No time for ding dong ditch game.” Venice said and closed the door. DING
“Who is it now?” Venice said while opening the door. “Bye door. Stop annoying
me now door I have to wash the dishes.” Venice said.

Venice walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes but Venice forgot to
close the door. We slowly walked inside Venice’s house like a spy. We
opened Celine’s phone and searched for a scary sound so Venice will
be scared. “Omg. What was that. Nah I’ll keep on washing dishes.” Venice
said. “Boo!” Celine tried to scare Venice into a dramatic way. “Ahh I’m so
scared. Bruh, that wouldn't work in me. It’s day time and vampires don’t
come in the daytime.” Venice said with no fear. “Great the prank didn’t work!”
I said. 


Thank you for reading this blog post! Have a great day!

Thursday 24 October 2019

Weekly Word (Withdrawn)

Kamusta viewers and readers,

Today, I have another weekly word to share you. The word is..... Withdrawn

Withdrawn means when you wanted to be alone or you remove your self from one activity with your group.

This is what I have created:

Maraming salamat sa pag basa ng akin post (Thank you for reading my post)

Paalam (Bye bye)