
Wednesday 19 August 2020



Welcome to my blog, today I am going to share you what we did in wananga time.

So we had to think of some question and brainstorm it at the whiteboard. The question that I had in my mind is "Do fish sleep with their eyes open". I went to site called "wonderpolis" and it gave me the answer, fish actually sleeps with their eyes open. You maybe be wondering why? Its because fishes doesn't have eye lids lids, so they sleep with their eyes open.

How can starfish see even though they don't have eyes?

Starfish doesn't have eyes, that means that they can't see any details. They can only detect light and dark.

Thank you for reading this post, Bye.

Friday 14 August 2020

Rare Flower Speech

 Hello everyone

Welcome to my blog, today I am going to share you the speech that I have been working on hurumanu 2. The topic of the speech I'm doing is rare flowers all around the world. I have researched 6 rare flowers. These are the flowers that I researched middlemist red camellia, jade vine, juliet rose, flame lily, ghost orchid, gibraltar campion. 

In hurumanu 2, we had an option to choose any topic to write about. I chose rare flowers, and some people did about history.

Here are some facts about these rare flowers:

Middlemist's Red Camellia

Middlemist Red | Rare flowers, Flower pictures, Types of flowers

Middlemist's Red Camellia is the rarest flower in the world, this flower was found once in New Zealand once and in London.

Jade Vine:

Pin on Garden

Jade vine can be found in the Philippines, jade vine is rare because it has a unique colour. The jade vine only blooms in May-July. It can grow 30-50 centimeters long. The long name for the jade vine is Strongylodon Macrobotrys.

Juliet Rose

Rosa 'Sweet Juliet' (English Rose)

Juliet Rose can be only found in California, this flower cost $5 million dollars.

Flame Lily

Gloriosa carsonii (Gloriosa Lily)

Flame lily is rare because it has a unique colour because two colours are actually blending in. Flame lily can be found in Southern Africa, it’s also poisonous if you eat it.

Ghost Orchid

Pin on Naturally

The ghost orchid is worth $364,254.74 NZ money. This rare flower can be only found in South Florida. This was discovered in 1959.

Gibraltar Campion

The beautiful and very rare Silene tomentosa (Gibraltar Campion ...

This flower can be found in the Rock Of Gibraltar, and Gibraltar Botanic Gardens. This flower can be colour purple, pink and white.

(I tried researching about these flowers, sorry if some doesn't have enough facts)

Here is my speech:


Rare Flower

Hello, I am Rheanne. This speech is about the 6 Rarest flowers on earth. The 6 rare flowers are Middlemist’s Red Camellia, Jade Vine, Juliet Rose, Flame Lily, Ghost Orchid and lastly Gibraltar Campion. These flowers are not easy to find, some of them have gone extinct. That's all for the introduction and lets carry on to the 6 rarest flowers in the world.

The rarest flower in the world is Middlemist's Red Camellia, this flower was only found twice in the world, in New Zealand and in England in London. This flower is worth $6 Million. Most of them were found but they had already died. 

The Jade Vine is a flower that has a unique colour. This flower can only be found in the Philippines, it can only bloom in May-July and can grow about 30-50 centimeters long.The long name for the jade vine is Strongylodon Macrobotrys.

Juliet Rose is worth 5 million dollars, this flower is rare because it looks beautiful. The colour of this flower is apricot and peach. This flower blooms in summer, fall and especially in spring. This flower can be found in California.

Flame lily has a unique blending colour of red and yellow and some orange. This flower is extremely poisonous if you eat it, it might cause death. This flower only blooms in midsummer, you can find this in South Africa.

Ghost Orchid is a rare flower, it’s worth about $364 thousand NZD. This flower was discovered in 1959 in South Florida. The long name for Ghost Orchid is Dendrophylax Lindenii.

Gibraltar Campion is a rare flower, it can be colour purple, pink or white. It can be only found in the Rock Of Gibraltar and in Gibraltar Botanic Garden.

That is the 6 Rarest flowers, I hope you have learnt some new things about the rare flowers.


Here is a video of me reading out my speech:
(I had to put it in the drive because I am having trouble uploading the video to my blog)

-Which flower did you like the most? Why?

Thats all for this blog, I hope that you enjoyed this.