
Sunday 6 December 2020

2020 Reflection

 Hello everyone, I will be talking about the school reflection. Reflection is basically what you think, and what happened. We can add main events that happened at school, or for example the subjects that you did. We have to write about our reflection on Hornby High School. Many things happened this year, like the COVID-19 lock down and we have to do classes in online.

Here is my reflection:

How me and my friends met:

This year I made new friends, me and Jhrnylle met Cate, Shontai, Jaren, Eunize, Lucy, Linny. Me, Jhrnylle, Cate and Shontai we're classmates. Me and Jhrnylle already know each other, both of us met Cate and Shontai at the field. Me and Jhrnylle were dancing a song called 'What is love' by twice, and it's a K-POP song. I was teaching Jhrnylle the dance moves. Suddenly Cate and Shontai went up to us and Cate said that she know the song that me and Jhrnylle were dancing in to. We started hanging out because we were also classmates.

Me, Jhrnylle, Cate and Shontai met Jaren at hurumanu 4, AL, BN and SK is joined together for hurumanu subjects and tech. While at hurumanu 4, Lhysette introduced Jaren to us. When we first met, Jaren was a type of shy person. 


Hurumanu 1 (Reading / Social Sciences):

I learned many things about History, Hurumanu 1 was a very interesting hurumanu because we get to learn more things about the history. I learned about different Protests, and also the WW1 and WW2. One of the most important Protests that happened in New Zealand is the Parihaka. We also have to create some D.L.O's, like for example a slideshow. Most of our tasks were to answer the questions about the topic that we have and create a D.L.O about it. I mostly did slideshows, but before we start answer the questions. We have to explore the links that they told us to explore. I have learned many things about history in hurumanu 1.

Hurumanu 2 (Reading / Drama):

Hurumanu 2 was a fun hurumanu, because we get to do a play in drama class. Me, Jhrnylle, Cate and Shontai did a play about 'Bullies'. We need to form 4 people in each groups, and we have to act out the character that we have. There is 4 characters that needed to be acted out, the characters of the play was Grynd, Stryk, Kuff and Boot. I was Grynd and Jhrnylle was Stryk, Cate was Kuff and Shontai was Boot.

Hurumanu 3 (Writing / Science):

We did a lot of fun experiments on hurumanu 3 like for example, the dry ice experiments. While that experiment, I learned that the dry ice isn't made by water. That's why it's called dry ice. We also did the egg drop challenged, basically. We have to build a lego rover, a lego rover that will protect the egg. We have to pretend that the egg is us, so when it cracks that means you are dead. It was fun constructing the lego rover.

We also did lots of writing in hurumanu 3, because hurumanu 3 is a mix of writing and science. We did some reading activity, and we also answered the questions that they have for us to answer and make a D.L.O about it. One of the tasks that I did was about mars rovers.

Hurumanu 4 (Write / Visual Arts):

I think I enjoyed hurumanu 4, because one of my hobbies are arts. Like painting, or drawing. In hurumanu 4, we focused on poetry and the colours. We get to paint the primary colours and the complementary colours. We did a little bit of painting, but I learned many different poetry. One of the poetry is called Haiku poem.

Hurumanu 5 (Maths / PE):

I learned a lot of maths in hurumanu 5, because Hurumanu 5 is a mix of Maths and P.E. We mostly did maths, and less P.E. At least I have learned a lot about Geometry and Probability. In my opinion, I liked learning geometry, because I think it's simple and easy to learn. My favourite thing in all maths stuffs is probably g

Hurumanu 6 (Maths / Health):

In hurumanu 6, I liked learning about health. We get to research about a health condition that some people has, it can be deadly. Our task was to create a D.L.O about the health condition that we chose to research about, the health condition that I researched about was very interesting. The health condition that I chose was: Depression, Lung Cancer and Flu. Not all people have these health condition, but unfortunately. Depression is also a health condition, because some people have depression for some reason.

B&E - Business Enterprise

This year, I experience running a business with a group of people. My teammates were Elisha Mae, Losalini and Stephanie. Our business were basically like a gift bag, a cultural gift bag. We made more than 1 gift bags. We had about 2 bags, that is themed in different countries. We did Philippines, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and Fiji. Each bag contained 1 scented candle, 1 pencil, 1 loom band braclet, 3 stickers, 1 note facts about the culture and candies.

Thank you for reading this post about my reflection of this year. Bye.