
Wednesday 22 July 2020

My Strengths

Hello everyone

Welcome back to my blog, today I am gonna share you what my strengths are.

Strengths means like something that we are good at, like for example :
My friend's strength is Gratitude, gratitude means that she appreciate everyone like her family and her friends.

Questions :
- What are your top 5 strengths
My top 5 strength are:
| 5 - Prudence : You're careful in a good way, you don't do things that you might regret later |
| 4 - Spirituality : You have faith in someone |
| 3 - Bravery : Your not scared talking with others, your confident |
| 2 - Kindness : You help people if they needed help |
| 1 - Humility : You don't brag about your work that you did, you just continue the things that your doing |

- Did you expect this? Why?
I didn't really expect bravery because I am also scared of some things.

- Give an example of a time when you have shown bravery?
One time I shown bravery by standing up for my friend

- Why are these important strengths to have?
These strengths are important to have because your strengths describes you.

This is my strengths:
| 24 - Zest | 23 - Humour | 22 - Teamwork | 21 - Leadership | 20 - Hope | 19 - Perspective | 18 - Gratitude | 17 - Creativity | 16 - Self Regulation | 15 - Love | 14 - Curiosity | 13 - Forgiveness | 12 - Perseverance | 11 - Love Of Learning | 10 - Honest | 9 - Social Intelligence | 8 - Appreciation Of Beauty | 7 - Judgement | 6 - Fairness |
 5 - Prudence | 4 - Spirituality | 3 - Bravery | 2 - Kindness |
1 - Humility

Here is a question for you (Readers) :
- What is your top 5 strengths?

Thank you for reading this post, I hope you will have a great day.