
Friday 31 May 2019

Breaking Our Sedimentary Rock

Hello Everybody!!

Welcome back to my blog post. Me and my class has been learning about earth science, rocks and minerals.

Here are some facts about sedimentary rock:
- Sedimentary rocks are soft
-It can break easily because it's soft.
- Sedimentary rocks are like chalk.
-Some of the sedimentary can have layers.
- Sedimentary rocks can have more than 1 layers.
-You can find fossils in sedimentary rock.

We made our sedimentary rocks by sediment. It took a week to finish our sedimentary rock. Also it was messy! 

Me and my partner Nevaeh recorded ourselves to show our sedimentary rocks and break it, to see the layers. It was messy and some of my classmate just dropped their sedimentary rock. Well I didn't so I could show the layers of the sedimentary rock.

I noticed that:
- When I broke my sedimentary rock it made like a lot of pieces.
- It made a really big mess.
- You can see the layers of sedimentary rocks.

-Have you ever seen a sedimentary rock and does it has layers?

Here is the video of breaking our sedimentary rocks

Thank you for reading this post have a great day!!


Friday 17 May 2019

Don't Share Your Private Information!

Hello Everybody!

Welcome back to my blog.

So I made a screencastify and it's about to not share your private information! If you are reading this can you invite your Mum and Dad so they can learn something from this, because when they we're little kids they didn't learn about this. 

What is a personal information?
Personal information is like it's not private for example my favourite food is leche flan well it's a Filipino food.

What is a private information?
For example your home address. If you post your home address to Facebook. Strangers might come to your house and rob your house.

Well let's watch the video!
Also me and my class made a poster together and it shows what is private information and personal information.

Here is the poster

Thank you for reading this post!!
