
Tuesday 22 May 2018

Painting a Picture in the reader's head

WALT- Use our senses in our writing to paint a picture in the reader's head. 

Here is an example of my writing. can you imagine the senses i your head?

One day I was lost at a jungle. My body shivered and was covered in goosebumps.  I looked around and saw dark trees covered in slimy green moss. The sun could barely get through the trees. I saw a bad snake. It bit me, it hurt, I fell asleep. I woke up and I saw some people who lived in the jungle. They made a fire to cook me I was so so scared. I saw a little door and a knife so I could protect me self. I went in the little door someone came. “Oh no he is gone,” said the man. They went back of the little house they saw my foot prints and the blood trickle. They followed me, I climbed at the top of the tree I saw them following my footprints. I set them in the wrong place at the dangerous jungle. I saw my friend lost in the jungle too. Then the danger was over.
The End